Wednesday, May 22, 2013

(5-22-13) MIKE ZULLO Answers YOUR Questions! Part I

May 22, 2013

Mike Zullo answers YOUR questions in this 15 minute PPSIMMONS RADIO interview - Carl Gallups, host.

Mike Zullo, lead investigator, with the Cold Case Posse of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office under the authority of Sheriff Joe Arpaio investigates the Obama Document Fraud Case.  In this riveting interview Mike answers 9+ questions from listeners, viewers, and bloggers who desire more detail in this case.

Mike Zullo has committed to PPSIMMONS RADIO that he will give these frequent, exclusive, and personal updates to the subscribers and viewers of the PPSIMMONS News and Ministry properties.

Addressed in the below radio interview:

1. What is your law enforcement background?
2. What is your authority under Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
3. What is your official title? Why do people call you Lt.?
4. Have you examined the high resolution Long Form handout that the White House distributed to the Associated Press on 4/27/11  - which you can find online as a .jpg file by doing a Google image search? If so, is there something evidential about it that would be helpful to the case and is that why you haven't mentioned it at all?
5. There is a YouTube video titled "Obama changed his name in Canada?"Has this been looked into by the Cold Case Posse and, if so, how does it fit into the puzzle of evidence compiled so far?
6. Have you seen this evidence that the DNC REMOVED the paragraph referring to Obama's constitutional eligibility before they signed and submitted his papers to the 50 states?
7. Dr. Palafox was appointed HDOH Director by Governor Abercrombie. Dr. Palafox served a very short time before resigned apparently due to some medical scandal. Many believe though that Dr. Palafox might have resigned because of the birth certificate issue. The CCP should track Dr. Palafox and find out what he knows. 
8. Given the fact that two different heads of the HDOH have verified the existence of the original BC and that it has also been verified that the information on the pdf version of the lfbc is the same as what appears on the original document, can you please tell me exactly what information the pdf version of the lfbc is different than what is one the original document?
9.  Mr. Zullo, in your affidavit you claim that Hawaii statutes allow for Hawaii to give a birth certificate to a foreign born child and that the statute does not require that it indicate it was a foreign birth, while this is true, isn't it also true that all BCs issued in Hawaii require the place of birth to be on them? Given that true statement, isn't it true that all of Hawaiian BCs issued to foreign born children would indicate that they were not born in Hawaii?

Listen to the PPSIMMONS RADIO Interview here - - DIRECT LINK TO THE ABOVE VIDEO      PPSIMMONS FaceBook fan page        PPSIMMONS  YouTube channel                      Carl Gallups' website

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Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a veteran conservative talk show host , a former Florida law enforcement officer and a long-time Senior Pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist Church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

BREAKING!     Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders.  Read the story HERE:


  1. Why have both Mr. & Mrs. Obama BOTH voluntarily surrendered their Illinois law licenses? Isn't this rather strange since most people would simply cease to practice but retain the license. Does this indicate that there were pending investigations that were dropprd once those licenses were surrendered?

  2. FYI: The DNC certification anomaly information was known in the latter part of 2008 and was included in my lawsuit Kerchner et al vs Obama & Congress et al filed by Atty Mario Apuzzo early in the early a.m. of 20 Jan 2009, a lawsuit in which Nancy Pelosi was a named defendant. This DNC certification form was part of the reason she was a named defendant. This fact was subsequently re-discovered several times since then. The people in HI who know more about this than they have told anyone yet. There should be a grand jury investigation into how and why Obama's unique DNC certification came to be in HI and why their state DNC refused to provide the certification required by their laws and they had to get it the special one from Nancy Pelosi. The communications between the state DNC and national DNC on this matter should be aired. I'm sure they would be very interesting. HI officials know a lot more about Obama that they are not saying and helping in the cover up for him. Again re. the DNC two different types of certification wordings, see the table of contents of the lawsuit, particularly page 19 in regards to the DNC certification statement anomalies: This information was known in the latter part of 2008 and was included in my lawsuit Kerchner et al v Congress et al filed early in a the a.m. of 20 Jan 2009, a lawsuit in which Nancy Pelosi was a named defendant. This DNC certification form was part of the reason she was a named defendant. This fact was subsequently re-discovered several times since then. As noted the CanadaFreePress reporters and site has done extensive reporting on this since the spring of 2009. The people in HI who know more about this than they have told anyone yet. There should be a grand jury investigation into how and why Obama's unique DNC certification came to be in HI and why their state DNC refused to provide the certification required by their laws and they had to get it the special one from Nancy Pelosi. The communications between the state DNC and national DNC on this matter should be aired. I'm sure they would be very interesting. HI officials know a lot more about Obama that they are not saying and helping in the cover up for him. Again re. the DNC two different types of certification wordings, see the table of contents of the lawsuit, particularly page 19 in regards to the DNC certification statement anomalies:

    CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

    1. Neil Abercrombie (current Governor of Hawaii and then-U.S. House of Representatives member from Hawaii) and Nancy Pelosi (then Speaker of the House, and the person who signed Obama's Certificate of Nomination!) were instrumental in getting the U.S. House to pass H. RES. 593, on July 27, 2009, and it was not until hours after H.Res. 593 was voted on and resolved that the Hawaii State Department of Health issued a Press Release which echoed the claim "Obama was born in Hawaii".

      Look how chummy the two of them are:

  3. Mr Zullo, I'm sure you have heard this quite a bit during this investigation. However, let me preface by saying. This is a great service you are doing for our country. I believe you will be made a hero for helping to save our republic and our way of life.
    People have for to long accepted what they have been force fed by the propagandist media and white house spokes people.
    This is a wake up call that crosses all borders, races, creeds and denominations. God bless you sir. I have the upmost respect for you and the whole ccp for your efforts.Bravo!
    My question would have to do with the arrest powers you are entrusted with. In a hypothetical situation, if Obama was to come to Arizona (Maricopa County) could he be arrested on site by the Sheriffs office? Could he in fact be charged in your state? Some of his crimes are self evident, ie. phoney SS numbers that he used for personal gain. to mention just one.
    Be safe sir and Gods speed.

  4. I enjoyed listening to Mike respond to questions. I hope that the issues I raised (H.Res. 593 and Dr. Fukino's subsequent 2nd Press Release, Obama's unusual adult adoption in 2008, "natural born citizen" = "born in the country, to parents who are its citizens" per the Founders' original intent and as construed by the Supreme Court in Minor vs. Happersett, Obama campaign's claim that "Obama became a citizen at birth under the first section of the 14th Amendment" when the SCOTUS said that natural born citizens do not need the 14th Amendment, etc.) will be addressed in future sessions.

    Thank you for everything you are doing. Some of us have been following this for 5 years, hoping and praying that due diligence and the rule of law would eventually prevail. May God bless you and favor you in your search for truth and justice.

    1. And most significantly, the burden of proof is not on us to prove that Obama is ineligible. Rathter, the burden of proof is legally on Obama to prove that he IS eligible.

      The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires:

      "All employees, citizens and noncitizens, hired after November 6, 1986 and working in the United States must complete a Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification."

      All means ALL. Must means MUST.

      The burden of proof is on the employee, not the employer.

      The burden of proof is on Barack Obama, not We the People.

      Barack Obama is legally required to verify his employment eligibility.

      Some jobs allow anyone legally eligible to work in the United States (including those with certain Visas and resident aliens).

      Some jobs require the employee to be a U.S. Citizen.

      Some jobs (like that of U.S. Representative or Senator) require the employee to have been a U.S. Citizen for a minimum amount of time (7 years and 9 years, respectively).

      And some jobs (like that of President or Vice-President) require the employee to be a natural born U.S. Citizen.

      Barack Obama is legally required to present his employer (We the People) with a completed Form I-9 and present hardcopy documentation, from the list of Acceptable Documents, to prove his employment eligibility.

      And since the office he holds requires (per Article II section 1 of the United States Constitution) that he be a "natural born citizen", there is only 1 document on that list of Accepted Documents for a Form I-9 that could be used to establish birth location and identity of parents: a hard copy, certified, initial birth certificate.

      Once the birth record has been presented and verified, the question is then whether or not that birth qualifies as "born in the country, to parents who are its citizens". That is the way that the United States Supreme Court construed the Article II Section 1 phrase "natural born citizen".

      The burden of proof is legally on the employee, Barack Obama, to prove his employment eligibility to hold the job (that of President of the United States).

      The "Obama birth narrative" is either 100% true, or it's not 100% true.

      If the “Obama birth narrative” is 100% true, then he was born a natural born British subject, because his father was a British subject. Yes, his mother was a U.S. citizen, and he would also have U.S. citizenship, but he would not be a “natural born U.S. citizen”. A person who is not a natural born U.S. citizen, yet usurps the authority of the Presidency of the United States, is a usurper.

      If the “Obama birth narrative” is NOT 100% true, then he is likely guilty of forgery, fraud, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc., and even if he were born on U.S. soil to two U.S. citizen parents, (and thus a natural born citizen of the United States), he could still be impeached for those high crimes.

      Here's the bottom line:
      The "Obama birth narrative" is either 100% true, or it's not.

      And EITHER WAY he should not be in office.

      Obama is either a usurper, a fraud, or both!

  5. Lt. Zullo, thank you so much for responding to mine and some of the other excellent questions that were posted on PPSIMMONS. Carl, thank you too for providing a venue where we can discuss this issue and stay up to date on the progress of of the investigation. I met you last May in Texas at the Constitutional Defenders Convention and it has been my pleasure to follow the case through your blog and radio show since that time. God bless you both. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your devotion to this most important cause. KJ

  6. Thanks KJ! I will get this to Carl and Mike. I bet Carl will be thrilled and may even remember you. THank you for your work, prayers, and encouragement! God bless you.
