Tuesday, May 14, 2013

56 Days Later, ABC Ends Blackout and Covers Gosnell 'House of Horrors'

Fifty six days after the grisly trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell began, ABC broke its self-imposed blackout and finally offered coverage. World News anchor Diane Sawyer belatedly told viewers that Gosnell was convicted on three counts of first degree murder against newborn babies, as well as on a slew of other charges. Terry Moran explained, "For two months, jurors heard often shocking, grisly testimony." He described the details as a "house of horrors." A house of horrors that ABC took 56 days to notice.

As the Media Research Center has aggressively documented, ABC went from March 18, 2013 (the trial's start) through Monday afternoon with no coverage. Yet during the same time, the network devoted a staggering 187 minutes (or 70 segments) to other shocking criminal cases, such as Jodi Arias and Amanda Knox.

Moran noted that "Opponents of legalized abortion seized on this case." The journalist quoted Jeanneane Maxon, the vice president of Americans United for Life. She asserted, "Well, Gosnell's not an aberration. Abortion clinics are unregulated and every year we see the deaths of women inside these clinics."

Nightline's Moran first highlighted the Gosnell case on Twitter, way back on April 12. But he has failed to cover the story until now.

A transcript of the May 13 segment can be found below:

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