Thursday, May 23, 2013

BREAKING! New Revelation! Mike Zullo Answers Questions and Gives A Sneak Peek!

PPSIMMONS News Exclusive
May 23, 2013

Mike Zullo Answers YOUR Questions!  Part II


Mike Zullo, lead investigator, in the Cold Case Posse Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Fraud Investigation gives PPSIMMONS Radio an exclusive SNEAK PEAK into an upcoming event Zullo says, "Could prove be monumental in moving this case forward to a Constitutional level."

In recent weeks, Zullo has made it clear that the work of the Cold Case Posse in bringing this investigation to national attention and to a constitutional level conclusion is further along now than ever before. Zullo has been candid in announcing that many VIPs of national prominence, media accessibility, and constitutional authority are now coming on board the case and desire to help to make something happen.

In the 27 minute interview below with host of PPSIMMONS Radio - Carl Gallups, Zullo answers several more important and pressing questions that YOU have been asking and then gives a surprise sneak peek into an upcoming event, scheduled to happen in the near future, that could shape this investigation in a monumental way. Zullo stresses that this event is just ONE of several of ever progressing importance that will be coming down the pike over the next couple of months.

Questions addressed in this edition:

1. The Barack Obama Social Security number debacle
2. Will the CCP make an arrest upon Obama if he were to enter Maricopa County?
3. Will the CCP file a "complaint" in this matter? Will an "arrest" be made?
4.  Did Zullo make any money off the E-book that he and Jerome Corsi wrote some time back? Why did they write the E-book?
5. What did Zullo mean a few days back when he said, "In 2 more weeks the naysayers will see how wrong they have been?"
6. What is the surprise sneak peek that Zullo gives into "What is going to happen next and soon?"

Listen to the interview here!

Direct YouTube link to the video      PPSIMMONS FaceBook fan page        PPSIMMONS  YouTube channel                      Carl Gallups' website

Copyright 2013 by PPSIMMONS News and Ministry. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without explicit permission from PPSIMMONS. A portion of this material MAY be republished provided the following criteria are met:
 1. The exact title remains intact
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Months as the Top Selling Book in America in Science & Religion on Amazon! Still garnering FIVE STAR reviews! Get your copy now!

Effectively Defending The Christian Faith                                         
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Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.                                         

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DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -   This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE:

Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer and a long-time Senior Pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist Church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

BREAKING!     Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders.  Read the story HERE:


  1. Thank you, Mike Zullo and everyone who has donated their time and research to the Cold Case Posse! You trully are working as a Posse for the entire United States of America. Thank you for supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States and the rule of law.

    And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

    Galatians 6:9
    New King James Version (NKJV)

  2. Thank you Red Pill. I will get this to Mike. Mike and Carl are truly good men. If this effort does not come to fruition, it certainly won't be because of lack of effort on their part! Pray for them. They will not grow weary. God bless you.

  3. God Bless Mike Zullo, Sheriff Joe, Carl Gallups and all of those working behind the scenes to tackle such an immense investigation. I am sure many sacrifices have been and continue to be made by all involved. The country owes a huge debt of gratitude to you all.

    1. Thank you Weeping Eagle. I will make sure that they see your post. Blessings.

  4. I an thinking that Congress is complicit and will do next to nothing... The Republicans have sold out long ago... There may be some "show" put on, but this runs much deeper than most people realize and there will be no satisfactory resolution to the issue. If a crime has been committed by this White House ( 1 ?) and there is proof that our pseudo-Commander-In-Chief is a treasonous criminal and a fraud then where does the usurped military facet come into play?

  5. So our military commanders (Joint Chiefs etc.) are powerless to take a man into custody who has intentionally usurped the position of authority over them and committed treason ? They can't simply enforce the NDAA - AGAINST HIM !!! ...Leave it to Congress ??? Really ??? As in our trusted friends Amnesty McCain and Fidel Rubio ? or maybe the Republican heavy hitters like Comrade Christie or John (lets go golfing) Boehner. ...Mitch ?, ...Lindsay? or better ...Reid? ...Schummer? ...Pelosi? ...Sharpton? and it won't be a complete wash? ...what a joke !!! Even if there are a couple of "big names" & "VIPs" they'll bury it with some false flag event... martial law etc. Whatever it takes.

    1. Gee. Thanks for your support. And where might we find the work that YOU have been doing to bring this to a conclusion of justice? Please leave a link below. If you can't provide us with your work - we will stick to Mike and Carl's work. At least it is moving forward. Soon - you will see. Very soon.

    2. Sorry, I am simply venting my sincere concerns over the depth of the corruption. My "work" consists in large part of sharing their/your work via Facebook etc. , At times with great frustration over slow movement and due to little to no reaction from my social contacts... Either because of their own fear to voice themselves or sheer apathy. don't have my own posse or any published books & radio programs. But I do have a voice. This festering infection is beyond treatment with antibiotics. It is now systemic and the limb subject to amputation, the host is in critical condition. This may well not be the season for a full system reset. That could spring the trap. Even moving forward is full of peril. Hopscotch in a minefield.

  6. The whole situation should never have nor should never have needed to have gotten
    this far.

    Obama's father was not an American citizen and was subject to the jurisdiction of
    the british empire. Therefore obama, along with all other of obama senior's offspring
    were subject to the jurisdiction of great britain. At most he might claim dual
    citizenship through his birth mother, but that is exclusive from "Natural Born Citizenship".

    Only the ignorant or outright liars deny this simple fact which make this whole
    dispute over his proven forged birth certificate and selective service registration

    1. You are correct. This tragedy lies at the feet of Congress and the Courts from the BEGINNING. According to the Constitution - they were derelict in their initial responsibilities. The media are also complicit. Now...WE THE PEOPLE will move forward as we must.

  7. The true tragedy is the distraction by focusing on the fraudulent persona of obama, and his forged or nonexistent credentials, the true meaning and purpose of the "Natural Born Citizenship" clause of our intended ruling document is being obscured, if not intentionally
    hidden from the less informed or more easily manipulated.

    There are already names being put forth just as unqualified or ineligible, such as rubio, jindal, and cruz. I cannot help but believe the real travesty is in opening the door to the white house to foreign interests and influence. This consequence is just to obvious not
    to consider that this single blind focus on obama,s forged birth certificate is a purposeful strategy

    1. True... The Republicans have trashed the Constitution just as much (if not more than) the Democrats. Alan Keyes has been correct about many aspects of this Bi-Partisan travesty for a long time and about Obama since he ran against him in Illinois for the Senate seat. Even McCain's eligibility was questionable. Why only offer up people who are sell-outs and or inelligible... or both. The whole system is broken, as is our society-at-large. Some things are hard to undo, erase knowledge of nuclear weapons, close the door to moral depravity once it is opened etc. it's like trying to put all the toothpaste back in the tube after squeezing it all out.
