Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BREAKING! PPSIMMONS EXCLUSIVE - Read CCP Affidavit for Alabama Supreme Court

Cold Case Posse Affidavit Now Before Alabama Supreme Court
 Never-before-seen information in this affidavit.  207 points of information and allegations.

PPSIMMONS NEWS EXCLUSIVE REPORT   May 14, 2013     10:30 pm E.T.

AFFIDAVIT FOR ALABAMA SUPREME COURT OBAMA FRAUD CASE - Cold Case Posse, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

(PPSIMMONS News and Ministry)
The Cold Case Posse affidavit - prepared and signed by lead investigator, Mike Zullo, is available HERE (doc format) or HERE (PDF format) for download. The document is exactly what is being released to the Alabama Supreme Court for the Obama citizenship and eligibility case that is before it. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office ordered his Cold Case Posse to cooperate with the Alabama Supreme Court case.    
(See Affidavit Table of Contents Below)



See WND's exclusive report: Obama eligibility appeal in Roy Moore's court HERE.  

(Attorney Larry Klayman is representing two plaintiffs who allege that Alabama Secretary of State, Beth Chapman, failed to perform her constitutional duty by vetting presidential candidates for eligibility according to Article II, Sec. 1, clause  5 of the Constitution.)


Lead investigator, Mike Zullo told PPSIMMONS News, "This affidavit is the concise stating of the facts pertinent to the Alabama case and the Obama fraud case. The affidavit is thorough and factual - backed up by over a year and half of criminal investigation. The criminal investigation was conducted through the Maricopa County Sheriff's office and the Cold Case Posse. This is not a 'birther' issue. The exact location of his birth is irrelevant at this point. The fact is that right now we have a criminal fraud case emanating from the White House. Someone fabricated a fake birth certificate. Now the questions are - Who did it? and Why did they have to do it? I have a feeling that the world will soon know the answers to those and many more questions."

Carl Gallups (Founder of PPSIMMONS, host of Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups radio program, former Florida lawman, and senior pastor of a Gulf Coast Baptist church) says, "As important as the Alabama Supreme Court case is and as important as this affidavit is - this is still not the monumental movement we expect on the criminal aspect of this matter. The Alabama case is a monumentally important civil case. However, Mike Zullo and I are expecting some really big criminal matters to be pushed to the state and federal levels and into the headlines of the MSM national news cycle very soon. If it breaks the way we think it will, the MSM will not be able to ignore what's coming next."

Gallups told PPSIMMONS News, "The number of VIPs and the gravity of the positions they hold in national affairs will dictate that the story is covered and the criminal case moves forward. Of course we will keep the PPSIMMONS subs and Freedom Friday listeners on the exclusive and cutting edge of the news as it breaks."

Gallups added, "When Mike Zullo and I went to CPAC this year and then to Capitol Hill to speak with people of standing in the matter - it really opened this thing up. We now have VIPs contacting the CCP and Zullo desiring meetings to examine the evidence in this criminal case. We now have several VIPs vowing to move this forward to a prosecution level. We are hopeful that soon the world will see what we have known for quite some time now - Obama has NEVER presented a legally verified identifying document to the world. The one he did present was a criminal forgery and fabrication. Any other citizen of the U.S. would already have been in jail if they had done such a thing."

The affidavit contains over 200 specific points of investigation and information. Some of the information contained in this affidavit has never been seen by the public. This document contains startling and hard-hitting evidence verifying that the Obama long form birth certificate is 100% fraudulently fabricated and a criminally forged document.

It must be stressed that the affidavit submitted to the Alabama Supreme Court civil case by Commander Zullo does NOT contain ALL the information in the case known to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. More information will be revealed as criminal prosecution events unfold in the near future.

DONATE TO THE ONGOING WORK OF THE COLD CASE POSSE HERE - Be a part of history in the making!   http://www.mcsoccp.org/joomla/index.php/donations

The affidavit's contents (all 207 numbered points) are broken down and titled as follows:
DOWNLOAD ENTIRE AFFIDAVIT HERE: http://www.carlgallups.com/zullo-affidavit.doc
or HERE (PDF format)

Affidavit of Michael Zullo


Investigaton of the complaint


Sheriff Arpaio’s Press Conference on July 17, 2012


The Ongoing Investigation


Authenticity of White House Released Birth Certificate Image

45- 60

Arizona’s Verification Attempts Thwarted


Isolation Of The Registrar’s Signature And Date Stamps


White Halo Effect


Birth Certificates continue to be Used as “Breeder Documents” and are Easy to Obtain


Birth Certificate Fraud is Hard to Detect


Hawaii State Practices Create Opportunities for Fraud


Birth Certificates Alone Do Not Provide Conclusive or Reliable Proof of Identity


Governor Abercrombie of Hawaii


No Mention Has Been Made Of It Since


Hawaii State Practices Allow Fraudulent U.S. Citizenship


Mr. Obama’s Selective Service Registration Card


Missing Immigration Records for August 1-7, 1961


Selective Service Registration Card Analysis

Hawaii Newspaper Birth Announcements


Irregularities in the Parents’ Address


(NOTE: After you read this story - you may want to see this article  MIKE ZULLO SOUNDS OFF! Breaking 5-15-13 http://ppsimmons.blogspot.com/2013/05/exclusive-mike-zullo-sounds-off.html)

E-Filing Confirmation
Case No:   1120465 Confirmation No:   499989
Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode v. Beth Chapman, Alabama Secretary of State.  (Appeal from Montgomery Circuit Court: CV-12-1053).
Your Appellant's Motion was successfully uploaded and e-filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama in the above cause on 05/14/2013 @ 09:01:33 PM.
To view the Transaction Confirmation:   Transaction Confirmation  (Click Here To View)
To view a "Filed Stamped" copy of the document:   Appellant's Motion  (Click Here To View)
The Appellate Court E-Filing Rules require that the filing party mail nine (9) hard copies of the e-filed document and one copy of the Transaction Confirmation to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama within 24 hours.
Important Reminder: It is the filing party's responsibility to notify the opposing attorneys and/or parties that the above document has been e-filed.
This notice has been delivered for informational purposes only. Please do not attempt to reply to this notice. Should you need to contact the Supreme Court of Alabama regarding this action, you may contact the Clerk's office by telephone at (334) 229-0700.


Copyright 2013 by PPSIMMONS News and Ministry. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without explicit permission from PPSIMMONS. A portion of this material MAY be republished provided the following criteria are met:
 1. The exact title remains intact
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3. A clear link is provided back to this article with the words   READ MORE HERE:

DOWNLOAD ENTIRE AFFIDAVIT HERE: http://www.carlgallups.com/zullo-affidavit.doc
or HERE (PDF format)

DONATE TO THE ONGOING WORK OF THE COLD CASE POSSE HERE - Be a part of history in the making!   http://www.mcsoccp.org/joomla/index.php/donations (No taxpayer funds are used in the investigation - only citizen donations.)

Mike Zullo - In October of 2006, Sheriff Arpaio ordered the creation of the MCSO Cold Case Posse (CCP).  At his personal request Mike Zullo accepted appointment as Commander of this unit.  He has served in this capacity for the last seven years under full authority of the law enforcement powers of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse. Mike Zullo is a former police officer, criminal investigator, and private investigator.

Months as the Top Selling Book in America in Science & Religion on Amazon! Still garnering FIVE STAR reviews! Get your copy now!

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Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.                                         

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DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -  http://www.carlgallups.com/   This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3gX-Buf_7s&feature=plcp

Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a veteran conservative talk show host , a former Florida law enforcement officer and a long-time Senior Pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist Church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

BREAKING!     Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders.  Read the story HERE: http://www.ppsimmons.blogspot.com/2013/04/new-wnd-book-by-pastor-carl-gallups-hint.html


  1. On page 46, Paragraph number 168--Question: Was the actual metal or plastic reel upon which the microfilm where Obama's mother's re-entry into the country supposed to have been demonstrably different from the earlier reels and reels that followed indicating that that particular reel had been recently tampered with? I seem to recall that the reel itself looked physically different from earlier and later reels.

  2. Can Yusuf Acar be contacted? Can he be subpoenaed? Has he met with an unfortunate incident yet?

  3. The Democrat Party in Alabama has submitted yet ANOTHER birth certificate image that is supposed to be a true copy of Mister Obama's birth certificate and the new Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court is the famous 'Ten Commandments' judge, Roy Moore. Chief Justice Roy Moore is not going to let this mockery stand.

    When Atty. Larry Klayman presents his case before the Alabama State Supreme Court the findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold Case Posse will be entered into evidence. This issue is not going away.

    Mister Obama fraudulently represented himself as eligible to be president while knowingly not so. Mister Obama's own literary agent publicized the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa as having been born in what is now called Kenya for over 16 years before 'Bath House' Barry Soetoro campaigned for the presidency.

    Given his Muslim background and affinity for all things Islamic, the overlooking of the apparent truth that Mister Obama is an enemy agent of Islam practicing taqiyya by those entrusted with the national security of the United States is an egregious dereliction of duty on their part.

    Obama has presented the American people with a blatantly forged Selective Service Registration Card and multiple versions of "birth certificates--and this after court martialing a Lt. Col. in the US Army, Doctor Terry Lee Lakin, for the then colonel requesting authentication of his purported commander-in-chief's legal occupation of said position of authority. Dr. Lakin's request was congruent with his officer's oath to defend the Constitution.

    Mister Obama's illegal elections to the office of the president should both be retroactively abrogated as having been committed while in the commission of a crime. Everything that the criminal usurper-in-chief and his administration have accomplished while in the commission of the crimes must too be retroactively abrogated--effectively annulled.

    All those complicit in the most sinister crime in American history, the criminal usurpation of the presidency by fraud, must be brought to justice is Americans are to restore honor to the office of the presidency and preserve the very existence of the American experiment in government of the people lest it should perish from the earth.

    Mister Obama is our enemy.

  4. The phone call scandal is a diversion. Obama's camp release the information then pass it to Holder and multiple slaps on the wrist will follow.

    Benghazigate has teeth but the Obama-worshipping, obsequious Liberal press will soon return to the protecting of their 'lord and savior' Barack Obama.

    The IRS scandal too is a diversion. Obama's people know that they can play it out for three and a half years in the courts and that they can use underlings as fall guys. In fact, the way Osama is worshipped, I mean Obama, they will have no problem finding people to fall on their swords for their idol.

    The real fight is in Alabama.

    PPSIMMONS has published the facts that will be presented before the Alabama State Supreme Court.

    Obama's minions know that they can't buy or intimidate Judge Roy Moore. The best they can do is bury the story. Just like the preliminary release of the findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold Case Posse, no mainstream media outlets will be present in Alabama to cover the court case as it unfolds.

    It is up to the citizen journalists, 'We the People,' to cover this story and spread the news. Mister Obama, or Soetoro, has achieved the inconceivable: the most sinister crime committed against the American people in our country's history--the criminal usurpation of the presidency by fraud.


    Mike Zullo
    Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    Carl Gallups

    NONE of these men have EVER lied to us.
    Obama - well... not quite the same. WHO do you trust in this matter?

    Something to think about.

  6. Patience DollarBill. PPSIMMONS, Gallups, and Zullo have not lied to you. There is a process. The official process is underway such that we were able to legally release the document at the direction of the attorney in charge of the case. Everything is on the up and up.

  7. From Orly...Dean Johnson, one of the 2 attorneys for Hugh McInnish, plaintiff in AL, has filed his reply to brief filed by the Secretary of State. It is a very short 9 page reply,(there may be a page limitation), there is no affidavit by Mike Zullo attached or mentioned anywhere in the reply brief.
    Carl Gallops, talk show host in FL, have been raising money for Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio for several months now claiming that Sheriff Arpaio has given Mike Zullo permission to get involved in the case in the Supreme Court of Alabama. Gallops posted a draft of an affidavit, however this affidavit was never filed in the Supreme Court of Alabama. At this point the record is complete. There is no affidavit of Mike Zullo filed by the appellants (attorneys for McInninsh). Also, there is no reference in the reply to the brief filed by the Democratic party of AL. (no reply to the brief which contained a new forgery of Obama’s BC filed by the Democratic Party).
    The public should demand answers from Carl Gallops and Mike Zullo: what is going on, why did they state that Zullo will be involved in this case when they know that no new evidence is allowed in the Supreme Court of Alabama or any other Court of Appeals for that matter? Why Arpaio and Zullo did not do their job an did not file a criminal complaint in Maricopa County , AZ, and with the attorney General of Arizona, as they were supposed to.

    1. E-Filing Confirmation
      Case No: 1120465 Confirmation No: 499989
      Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode v. Beth Chapman, Alabama Secretary of State. (Appeal from Montgomery Circuit Court: CV-12-1053).
      Your Appellant's Motion was successfully uploaded and e-filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama in the above cause on 05/14/2013 @ 09:01:33 PM.
      To view the Transaction Confirmation: Transaction Confirmation (Click Here To View)
      To view a "Filed Stamped" copy of the document: Appellant's Motion (Click Here To View)
      The Appellate Court E-Filing Rules require that the filing party mail nine (9) hard copies of the e-filed document and one copy of the Transaction Confirmation to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama within 24 hours.
      Important Reminder: It is the filing party's responsibility to notify the opposing attorneys and/or parties that the above document has been e-filed.
      This notice has been delivered for informational purposes only. Please do not attempt to reply to this notice. Should you need to contact the Supreme Court of Alabama regarding this action, you may contact the Clerk's office by telephone at (334) 229-0700.

    2. THIS INFORMATION is in our article. Have another look. It is right under the Affidavit table of contents section. Orly is wrong. You are wrong. Obot?

    3. It looks like the public needs to demand an answer from YOU. Why are YOU so wrong about this? Why is Orly so wrong about this? Any wonder why Orly's stuff has gone NOWHERE? Hmmmm.

    4. I must say this as well - Orly simply is wrong in this matter. There is much she does not know. The affidavit HAS been filed. It was filed in response to the Democrat's filing of a similar document (Friend of the Court Brief). If Zullo's was not filed the Dem's filing would have gone unchallenged. Zullo's filing CRUSHES the Dem's flimsy filing. The Ala. Sup. Ct. CAN allow the filings from both sides for evidence. If it DOES - again Zullo's will CRUSH the Dem's and probably be influential in wining the case. If they don't allow them - they will still have to read them. Zullo and the CCP did not do all this work for nothing. Zullo has been asked to be a part of the potential testimony offered before the court. Orly is WRONG (again) because she does not know the facts of this case or the strategy. She really needs to stay out of this. She hasn't been successful yet with ANYTHING she has done. She is certainly not the one to criticize.

  8. E-Filing Confirmation
    Case No: 1120465 Confirmation No: 499989
    Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode v. Beth Chapman, Alabama Secretary of State. (Appeal from Montgomery Circuit Court: CV-12-1053).
    Your Appellant's Motion was successfully uploaded and e-filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama in the above cause on 05/14/2013 @ 09:01:33 PM.
    To view the Transaction Confirmation: Transaction Confirmation (Click Here To View)
    To view a "Filed Stamped" copy of the document: Appellant's Motion (Click Here To View)
    The Appellate Court E-Filing Rules require that the filing party mail nine (9) hard copies of the e-filed document and one copy of the Transaction Confirmation to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama within 24 hours.
    Important Reminder: It is the filing party's responsibility to notify the opposing attorneys and/or parties that the above document has been e-filed.
    This notice has been delivered for informational purposes only. Please do not attempt to reply to this notice. Should you need to contact the Supreme Court of Alabama regarding this action, you may contact the Clerk's office by telephone at (334) 229-0700.

  9. How does this differ from what Orly Taitz brought up to the Supreme Court?

    1. It is different in MANY ways. She never got past first base with the SUpremes. This case is GOING before the Ala. Supremes. Orly had no affidavit of criminal culpability - Zullo and the CCP have provided that in this case....for starters. There is much more. stay tuned.

  10. If I remember correctly, while watching an Oprah Winfrey episode years ago, when Pres. Obama was then Senator, he said that he could not run for president because he was not born in the U.S. Then the conversation sounded like - these are bad laws, and they should be changed. Someone as perfect and wonderful as Mr. Obama should not be passed by simply because he wasn't born in the U.S. This is so clear to me. Does anyone else remember this?
