Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Do Atheists Have Faith? by Ray Comfort

by Ray Comfort

I had a great interview recently with an evolutionary anthropologist at UCLA. She said that she normally didn't do interviews with creationists, but she did this one for the upcoming "Famous Atheists" documentary.

It was a lively time, with us crossing swords many times. One issue upon which we disagreed was the issue of faith. She said that she was an atheist and she didn't have any. I said that when the doctor gave her pills to take, she took them in faith—trusting him and the pills. She said she didn't. She insisted that she goes through each of the pill's ingredients with a fine-toothed comb before she took them (in faith).

I told her that she was exercising faith in the chair upon which she was sitting. She disagreed and said that she sat on it because she had knowledge. I said that she did have knowledge—she had knowledge that it was trustworthy (worthy of her trust/faith), so she trusted it with that knowledge.

She even let me take her through the Ten Commandments to show her that she needed God's forgiveness, but after four of them she pointed her finger at me and the camera and said, "Don't preach to me!" Of course, I respected her wish and changed the subject to a more comfortable issue.

We parted as friends, and a few days later she received a fruit basket as an appreciation gift.

(this article came by way of email from Ray Comfort)

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