Thursday, May 30, 2013

HYPOCRISY ALERT: Allen West Describes Himself as “A Trusted Voice”

Allen West Describes Himself as "A Trusted Voice"

Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Thursday, May 30, 2013 @ 2:08 PM In National | No Comments


by Sharon Rondeau

Allen West has joined two media companies but will not raise the matter of Obama's fraudulent birth certificate

(May 30, 2013) — Former Rep. Allen B. West, U.S. Army (Ret)., joined PJMedia in January and now has an office in Washington, DC, where he will be reporting on politics for PJMedia.

West is also directing a division of PJMedia, NextGeneration.TV.  In April, Fox News announced that he had been hired as a political commentator.

West served one term in Congress after being elected in 2010 but was replaced by Patrick Murphy in a contested race this past November.  Initially West challenged the results and took legal action but abandoned his bid for a full recount just before Thanksgiving., which applied to the IRS three years ago for non-profit status and claims to have been a target of now-public politically-motivated extra scrutiny, recently was awarded the ability to inspect voting records from the 2012 West-Murphy race.  The organization, which aims to raise public awareness about election issues, particularly election integrity, has filed a lawsuit against the IRS for alleged "damages for the unlawful actions by the IRS in the processing of its application for exempt status."

Upon the announcement of his new endeavor with NextGeneration.TV, West said, "True leaders do not need a title, just a conviction, a cause, and the character enabling them to make a stand," referring to the fact that he no longer served in Congress.

West had attended the Conservative Political Action Conference in mid-March, during which Pastor Carl Gallups and Det. Michael Zullo had approached him about the evidence compiled by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, of which Zullo was the lead investigator, which revealed that the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website more than two years ago bearing Obama's name is a forgery.

When Zullo asked West if he would assist in bringing the forgery to the level of public awareness, West refused, citing his "future political aspirations." During an interview between West and radio show host Tammy Bruce, West stated that "there is no doubt" that he is planning on re-entering politics in 2016.

In an interview with BuzzFeed, West said that "folks still believe that I'm a trusted voice."

While West and others continue to fight Obama on his policies alone, The Post & Email asks West and news outlets unwilling to raise the question, "How can Obama be considered a legitimate president and commander-in-chief with only a fraudulent birth certificate offered by the White House as positive identification?"  While it is possible that Obama is a "natural born Citizen" as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution, Obama has shown no evidence of his eligibility or citizenship, and there are multiple inconsistencies in his public life story.

Det. Zullo has asked those aware of the fraudulent birth certificate to ask themselves why it would have been published on the White House website with the attempt "to deceive."

West says that he is "standing up for our future."  Through his political organization committee, the Allen West Guardian Fund, West states that "We must ensure conservative leaders are elected who will stand as guardians of our constitutional republic…"

Following the encounter with West at CPAC, Gallups posted on the PPSimmons website:

I've never seen anything like this in all my previous years in law enforcement. I have never heard of congressmen, courts, or federal law enforcement officials completely ignoring, refusing to investigate, or even look at the evidence that another law enforcement agency has investigated concerning possible criminal activity coming directly out of the White House. Remember Watergate? Remember Monica? This situation and the possible implications and ramifications of it,  pales in comparison to Watergate and Monica. This situation goes directly to the Constitution and the real identity of the Commander in Chief  – yet few who are constitutionally responsible for examining the evidence will even do so…for fear of future political aspirations.

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