Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Iran source: President Ahmadinejad arrested


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was arrested and held for seven hours Monday and warned to keep his mouth shut about matters detrimental to the Islamic regime before he was released, according to a source within the Revolutionary Guard's intelligence unit.

After his visit to Tehran's 26th international book fair Monday, the source said the head of Ahmadinejad's security team informed the Iranian president that he had been asked to appear at the supreme leader's office for an urgent matter.

On the way to the meeting, contact between the security team within the president's convoy was disconnected while three other cars joined the convoy, instructing the lead car to take a different direction. Ahmadinejad, instead of being taken to the supreme leader's office, was taken to a secret location in one of the buildings belonging to the Foreign Ministry, which is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards' intelligence unit.

As soon as Ahmadinejad exited the car, he and his security team were involved in an altercation with Guards' members in which his team was disarmed and communications equipment confiscated. Ahmadinejad was then forced to enter an office belonging to Hossein Taeb, the head of the Guards' intelligence, located underneath the building.

As this was happening, the source said, hundreds of other Guards' members from the intelligence unit sought out Ahmadinejad's associates throughout Tehran and questioned them on the existence of documents detrimental to the regime....

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