Monday, May 27, 2013

IRS to WNDs' Joseph Farah: What Books Do You Read?

Joseph Farah refuses to back down in face of order to turn over private info


When I got my politically motivated audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service in 2011, I drafted a letter of protest that I wanted my accountant to include in our response to the agency.

My accountant urged me not to do this, and I begrudgingly accepted her advice.

I wanted to let the IRS know that I knew that I was being illegally targeted. Instead, I played along with the audit like a good German, trying not to offend government officials I already knew didn't like me.

I regret that now.

The result of that audit was a disallowance of most of my schedule C deductions and a bill for over $8,000 in new taxes due and penalties.

What did the IRS want that I refused to provide?

This is interesting.

I've never been a tax protester, because I knew that because of my profile, the IRS would love to make an example of me. I've never tried to "cheat" the IRS out of a dime it claimed I owed. I decided long ago I would fight in the arena of public opinion rather than in a street fight with people better armed than I.

But I drew a line in the sand on the 2011 audit. I have refused to pay the money the IRS claims I owe. And I will continue to avoid paying it unless and until I am faced with jail or a firing squad. And here's why …

Most of my deductions were for books I purchased as part of my professional work. Yes, I buy a lot of books. It's just the nature of what I do as an author, as a speaker, as a commentator and as a journalist. I offered receipts for all of these purchases that included the dates each book was bought, the amount paid and the company (Amazon) I bought them from.

The one thing I omitted were the titles.


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