Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mayoral candidate says she was 'endorsed by Jesus'


North Miami's unpredictable election exploits entered the final day on a divine note: a mayoral candidate claiming she was endorsed by Jesus Christ.

Anna Pierre, who previously said she was a victim of Vodou sorcery, posted the message in a campaign-style flier featured on her Facebook page.

Reached on Monday, Pierre said Jesus came to her in a dream.

"I had a revelation when I was going to give up on this race. I had a dream. I know what I saw," she said. "A figure I can't explain told me, 'Don't be afraid. I am your friend. I am walking with you side by side. You are not alone.' I felt it was from heaven. It was an endorsement by Jesus."

Meanwhile, District 2 candidate Joseph Haber was passing out "clean up city hall" soap to voters . And a week ago, mayoral candidate, Jean Marcellus was punched in the mouth by an acquaintance who didn't want him to run for office.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/05/13/3395474/north-miami-mayoral-candidate.html#storylink=cpy

North Miami's unpredictable election exploits entered the final day on a divine note: a mayoral candidate claiming she was endorsed by Jesus Christ.

Anna Pierre, who previously said she was a victim of Vodou sorcery, posted the message in a campaign-style flier featured on her Facebook page.

Reached on Monday, Pierre said Jesus came to her in a dream.

"I had a revelation when I was going to give up on this race. I had a dream. I know what I saw," she said. "A figure I can't explain told me, 'Don't be afraid. I am your friend. I am walking with you side by side. You are not alone.' I felt it was from heaven. It was an endorsement by Jesus."

Meanwhile, District 2 candidate Joseph Haber was passing out "clean up city hall" soap to voters . And a week ago, mayoral candidate, Jean Marcellus was punched in the mouth by an acquaintance who didn't want him to run for office.

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