Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Richard Dawkins: Radicalized Religion Is 'Easy'

Well-known evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and theoretical physicist Lawrence

While promoting his new documentary "The Unbelievers" alongside theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, atheist professor and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins addressed the recent Boston bombings, as well as some reports which claim that perhaps an extremist belief in Islam could have motivated bombing suspects Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in their recent terrorist attack.

When asked on "CNN Sunday Morning" what his response was to hearing that radicalized Islam may have played a role in the two bombings in Boston which took place on April 15 at the 117th Boston Marathon, Dawkins responded:

"It's very easy to blame radicalization, but radicalization is very easy, if people are brought up in the first place to believe that faith is a virtue, if you bring up your children and tell them that believing without evidence is what faith is, is a virtue, then only a tiny minority of them may become radicalized, but the ground has been fertilized for radicalization."

"It's easy to radicalize if people have been pre-adapted, and prepared with a view that faith is a virtue, that what your religion teaches you is absolutely right. In a way, no wonder they're so easily radicalized, because they're told, from babyhood onwards, that their religion is the only important thing and that's what they have to believe, even if there's no evidence," Dawkins, who is an emeritus fellow of New College in Oxford, added.

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