Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rove: Obama 'Directly' Involved in Benghazi Lie; Scandals

The scandals facing the White House — particularly the Benghazi attack of last Sept. 11 — will be corrosive to Barack Obama's presidency, Republican strategist Karl Rove tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview.
"These things will be corrosive," Rove, who helped George W. Bush twice win the White House, tells Newsmax. "They'll eat away at the president's rating. We'll see it over time and, particularly, as Congress asks more questions in the weeks ahead.

"This stuff is only starting to seep in," Rove adds. "It will take a while for these things to sort of sink in. I am not surprised that it hasn't begun to impact his job approval just yet."
Rove, who also served as deputy chief of staff in the Bush White House, is a Fox News analyst. His latest book is 'Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight."

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