Sunday, June 2, 2013

Matt Drudge Refuses to cover Obama Fraud - after touting HIMSELF in his own headlines! Another media stooge!

Matt Drudge thinks enough of himself to feature - HIMSELF in the headlines of today's news page. He touts himself as "the people's media," and then ignores the biggest story in America's history - The Obama Fraud Case.

In light of the monumental reaction that investigator Mike Zullo received from some of America's top lawmen, attorneys, elected officials, and even a congressman at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Convention - and in light of the announcements from Zullo that Congressman Steve Stockman (TX) has asked for another lengthy meeting with Zullo and several sheriffs have pledged their full support in a possible upcoming congressional hearing on the matter - DRUDGE HAS STAYED SILENT on the matter.

Matt Drudge is not "saving the news business" as he touts. Instead he has become a part of the PROBLEM in the news business. He won his fame with the now infamous "blue stained dress story" back in the days of Clinton. So, it seems Drudge will gladly report on a semen stained dress from the President's office - but he won't, even REFUSES, to report on the fraud and the crime of the century.

Drudge refuses to report on the 100% legally verified criminal evidence that Barack Obama has not only not provided America with one single legal identifying document - but the only one he did present is a proven forgery.

Mike Zullo made a several-hour, closed-door presentation to scores of sheriffs, police officials, attorneys, a constitutional attorney, a congressman, and other VIPS. After the lengthy presentation of all the criminal evidence that Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse possesses in the Obama Fraud case - not a single participant challenged the evidence - not a single one. The case is rock-solid. It has now been seen by law enforcement professionals from around the country. And, Drudge refuses to report on it.  Hmmmm.

Carl Gallups (PPSIMMONS Radio and Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups 1330 WEBY Gulf Coast Talk Radio) has done interview after interview with the lead investigator in this matter, Mike Zullo.

PPSIMMONS latest story on Mike's appearance at the Sheriff's Convention and the pledge of support from Congressman Stockman, et. al., was sent to Drudge. In spite of Drudge's silence on the article, it has gone viral and the PPSIMMONS blog news site has been slammed with a record number of viewers to this one article alone. Yet, not one word from Drudge.

In that PPSIMMONS News article mentioned above - there is a section that addresses this media blackout by many of the so-called "conservative new media." Carl Gallups opined on the dilemma.

Gallups continued, "You know - I can't help but think of the shame of people like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck who have called us names and trashed us for years. Think about it - real lawmen, doing a real live criminal investigation for years, amassing tons of court-ready criminal evidence that goes to a matter of a potential constitutional  tragedy and travesty and O'Reilly and Beck have trashed them! Makes you wonder - doesn't it?  How about Hannity and Fox News? They have largely ignored it - even marginalized it. Even Drudge has ignored it. I am personally aware that many of PPSIMMONS exclusive stories and interviews with Zullo, radio interviews, etc. have been ignored by Even Limbaugh has given only scant coverage to this issue - mentioning the matter in 'code' from time to time. These guys are going to look completely irrelevant when the largest scandal in American history (and perhaps world history) is finally exposed and it is revealed that all of these guys purposely ignored it and some of them even trashed those of us who stuck by our principles of constitution and law. Yes - it is going to be very embarrassing indeed. The only large media source that has covered this from the beginning is" WND is America's largest independent internet news source.

So, what is the difference between Drudge and CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and FOX in this matter?   Not one iota of difference.They are ALL a part of the shameful media blackout of this monumental crime against America.


In his New York Times best-seller (2000) Drudge said, “Since I cover the Makeup out of The Chair, I can report candidly on nefarious activities...I’ve discovered and revealed dozens of media blow-ups, fake-outs and frauds perpetrated by frauds, fakers and blow-by-blowers. …"

“I’m not beholden to them in any way.
“I’m not carried on their air.
“I’m not a byline in their dirty print.
“I don’t use their bandwidth.
“I have created my own ‘paper’ printed on my own ‘presses.’
“Distributed on my own.
“Technology has finally caught up with liberated individuals. [W]e call it ‘freedom of the brain.’”

 No, Matt Drudge - you are not "saving" the news business - YOU are part of the problem!  Shame on you.  Shame. Shame. What a stooge. History is still writing your story. In this case - it won't be near as pretty as the picture you paint of yourself on the front page of your own headlines.You stay with the blue stained dresses - we will report on constitutional travesties of monumental and historic proportions. History will decide the truth of the matter.

Listen to Mike Zullo tell the conference lawmen and attorneys that the CCP has verified evidence that much of the news media was "threatened" to not report on the Obama Fraud. Is THIS what happened to Matt Drudge? You know - the one who is "changing" the news business.

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DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -   This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE:

Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer and a long-time Senior Pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist Church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

BREAKING!     Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders.  Read the story HERE:

1 comment:

  1. Yup, msbetz. We agree. When all the dust settles from this travesty - Drudge will go down in history as just another Obama stooge. What a shame - he had a good run for a while. Very soon - even Matt Drudge will be exposed for the patsy he has become. It would not be so bad if the facts were not right before his eyes. When the facts were placed before the sheriffs, attorneys, and congressman - they did not even blink. The facts were overwhelming. No one questioned ANYTHING Zullo showed them. They were outraged. Drudge knows the facts - yet refuses to print these stories - or ANY stories on this issue. Ever wonder WHY? Is Drudge smarter than sheriffs, professional lawmen, congressmen, attorneys, a constitutional lawyer? We doubt it. We imagine that Drudge is part of the media that was "gotten to" or either he is just a news "wimp." Soon we will know. Soon.
