Wednesday, June 5, 2013

OH SNAP! Top rated talk show host who challenged Obama's eligibility and birth Credentials gets FIRED!

A top-rated radio talk-show host known for his challenges of President Obama’s eligibility for office as well as his interest in Bible history has been fired after reportedly getting into a “violent” confrontation with his own longtime producer.
Peter Boyles, the morning drive-time anchor at KHOW-AM, the Clear Channel radio station in Denver, was let go by the station “following a heated exchange with his producer two weeks ago,” according to the Denver Post.
“Peter Boyles is no longer with the company,” program director Dan Mandis said in a statement emailed to the paper.

Boyles became well-known for his support of WND’s “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” billboard campaign that ultimately led to Obama releasing what the White House claims is Obama’s original long-form birth certificate. The veracity of that document has since been called into question by the likes of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who continues to press for a congressional investigation of the alleged forgery.

1 comment:

  1. Tom Tancredo was in the studio to announce that he's running for the Senate. My guess is that Mr. Boyles wanted to ask Mr. Tancredo about the forged birth certificate and the criminal usurpation of the presidency but was warned not to bring up the subject.
