Wednesday, June 5, 2013

OOPS! Fort Hood shooter blasts Obama admin story!

'I was defending Taliban' in attack Washington called 'workplace violence'

For years, the Obama administration has maintained that the victims of the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood, for which Islamist Maj. Hidal Hasan is charged, simply were in the crosshairs of a situation of "workplace violence."

The victims – 13 people were killed and nearly another three dozen were injured when, according to witnesses, Hasan shouted "Allahu Akbar" and started firing at people – have been denied benefits and combat honors because the government insisted there was no link to terror.

Now, however, the defendant himself is taking that off the table.

As part of his defense, he has demanded to represent himself in his still-unscheduled trial, and this week asked for a delay of several months so that he could prepare his defense which will be built on the idea he did the shootings "in defense of others."

When asked by the judge, Col. Tara Osborn, to identify those he was "protecting," Hasan said, "The leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban" and its leader, Mullah Omar.

Hasan, an Army psychiatrist at Fort Hood, is accused of walking into the Soldier Readiness Center on the base Nov. 5, 2009, and opening fire on his fellow soldiers.

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