Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tebow's NFL Career Over! His Christianity Called a DISTRACTION!

Report: Tebow’s Camp Says NFL Career Might Be Done - (Christianity is a 'distraction')

 File photo of Tim Tebow. (credit: Getty Images)

DENVER (CBS Denver) – The NFL might have seen its last bit of Tebowing.

A new report claims that some of those closest to Tim Tebow have suggested that the unemployed quarterback’s NFL career is likely done. ESPN’s David Fleming reports that members of Tebow’s own camp privately told him that his days in the league are “probably over.”
“He’s not a quarterback,” one scout was said to have told Fleming. “When you look at his run two years ago, when you watch the tape and break it down, he wasn’t really doing anything that impressive. He’s a tough guy, a great leader, a great person. But he isn’t a good enough quarterback to have all the distractions that come with him.”  (PPSIMMONS: Interpreted - his Christianity!)

Read rest of story here:


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