Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Who is Obama?" - by Greg Danielson


Daniel Chapters 2 and 7
2 Thessalonians 2: 1-8
By Greg Danielson

I realize I cannot convict anyone of the truth, that’s not my job, but I do hope to persuade you to this truth, and that you will seriously consider what is written here below. Please hear this out all the way before coming to judgment.

In December of 2012 the Lord opened my mind to understand Daniel Chapters 2 and 7. What I came to understand afterward was nothing short of startling! What scripture proves is that Daniel chapter 2 leads to the conclusion that the United States of America is the sovereign world kingdom before the New World Order arises, and that Daniel chapter 7 leads to the conclusion that Obama is the “little horn” who arises out from the U.S.A.

The statue in Daniel chapter 2 has been taken apart and re-assembled by the doctrines of men, which because of their doctrine has kept us blind to the times in which we now live, as the doctrine that comes of men keeps us in wait for certain developments to occur first, before Daniel’s last seven years of tribulation can begin, i.e., the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and the Antichrist.
I used to go along with that scenario, but seeing how events are developing around the world causes one to do a double-take.  And as we wait for the scenario that comes from the doctrine of men to develop we move closer to war in the Middle East, and fulfillment of end time prophesies, which according to their doctrine, are believed to occur after the Rapture of the church. But here's the problem with that scenario, the two major prophesies that has been assumed to occur after the Rapture has already been fulfilled, and the church is still here!  
The world scene has escalated into something like never seen before in modern history, as war is imminent in Israel, and extreme weather patterns, erupting volcanoes, major earthquakes in various places, rumors of wars, and moral depravity that is unprecedented leaves no doubt that we are living in the beginning of sorrows, just like Jesus said it would be like when that time comes. 
Many teach that the beginning of sorrows is a prelude to the last seven years, but I beg to differ. I believe scripture tells us the beginning of sorrows is synonymous with the start of Daniel’s prophetic week. I believe scripture tells us exactly when the last seven years begin, and why, but the doctrine that comes of men has conditioned the minds of many to accept a certain scenario of the end times, thus it keeps them blind to what is happening around us, and because of their preconceived ideas it will cause many to be the proverbial frog in the water pot.

Daniel Chapter 2

What was revealed to me by the Lord in this chapter is that the statue that king Nebuchadnezzar dreamt ONLY concerns itself with those sovereign world kingdoms that were of men given by God who ruled in their time respectively.    
The doctrines of men have been force-fitting the Assyrian kingdom and the Ottoman Empire to be a part of the history of kingdoms given in the statue, which shouldn’t be. Just because these two kingdoms had a significant part in history does not mean they should be counted among those kingdoms in the down line of history, simply because these kingdoms are not mentioned in the statue. 
When His people become exceedingly sinful then God’s hedge of protection is removed, therefore He must bring judgment because He is righteous, therefore, He allows these enemy kingdoms to come and conquer them for the destruction of the flesh. Even though He allows these enemy kingdoms to overcome and conquer, it does not mean they should be included in the statue, as they were only serving His purpose.
The last kingdom from the statue, as it will be shown, is the melting pot kingdom that derived from the kingdom that was part iron (Roman) and part clay (unbelieving Jews), as the Jews were under the control of the Romans, just as it was in Christ’s first Advent (Dan. 2: 41), and then, during Jesus’ ministry, and after Pentecost, the gospel went forth throughout all the earth (the great mountain that filled all the earth), in which the kingdoms that came before Him were carried away like the chaff in the wind (Dan. 2: 35), which afterward, the Romans and Jews mingled themselves with the seed of men (Dan. 2: 43), and then, in His time, the U.S.A. came about, the melting pot kingdom, which is the kingdom on the statue before the New World Order arises.
Another interesting point is that the statue actually identifies six kingdoms before the New World Order comes, and not four, like many postulate. They are:
1) Babylon 2) Media/Persia 3) Greece 4) Rome 5) Divided Rome 6) USA.  
An important point of observation to make is, that of these six kingdoms, there is one kingdom that is not mentioned in the statue, that being the first kingdom, the Egyptian kingdom, as there are seven kingdoms, which is then followed by the New World Order that constitute the six thousand years of history of mankind. Therefore, the Egyptian kingdom should take the first position, which pushes all the other kingdoms on the model of the statue up one position, therefore the sixth kingdom becomes the seventh, the USA (this is important so to understand Revelation 13 and 17).

Daniel 7

What the Lord revealed to me about Daniel chapter 7 is that it concerns itself with the coming about of the U.S.A., and then it’s progression into becoming a great fourth beast. The “four beasts” (out of the sea) represent four eras (kingdoms) of the U.S.A., which grows into a “fourth beast,” which is diverse from the other kingdoms (the three other eras) before it, including all kingdoms that ever existed (vs. 23-24).

“The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings…” (Dan. 7: 4).
The first era is from 1789-1913 when settlers came from England (lion) traveling to what is now the U.S. (upon eagles’ wings).

“And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh” (Dan. 7: 5).
The second era is from 1913-1933 and shows how the devil works, like a bear: slow, steady, and strong, having three ribs (deceptions) in the mouth of it to corrupt the hearts and minds of a godly nation: politically, financially, and spiritually.

After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it” (Dan. 7: 6).
The third era is from 1933-1945, the U.S. under the leadership of President FDR who was the chief person (“four heads”) during his four term tenor, and though He died before completing his fourth term, which then Vice-President Truman succeeded him, and was the one to order the dropping of the bomb, it was President FDR who was the chief person that lifted the U.S. out of the great depression during that time (“upon the back of it four wings [terms] as a fowl”), which brought about the beast because of the Atom bomb, which catapulted the U.S. into becoming a sovereign nation, and one to be feared/respected when coming out of WW II.  And because of their ascension of power in the world it caused them to take on an attitude like to a leopard, “limpid,” which means to be serene and in control.

“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns” (Dan. 7: 7).
The fourth era is from 1953-2008, as the next ten Presidents (ten horns): Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. developed this beast into a great “fourth beast,” which was “dreadful, terrible, and strong exceedingly.”
After this fourth era, then begins the era of the “little horn.” The word for little in this context means to have little experience. Obama, who came from no where (they’re still trying to I.D. him), and who only had 2 years of experience in the Senate, and who lied and allowed documents to be manipulated, so to appear legal (Dan. 11: 21) took seat in the Presidential Office on Jan. 20, 2009.
According to scripture the revealing of the “little horn” is what begins Daniel’s prophetic last week of seven years, which is synonymous with the “beginning of sorrows.” Obama’s purpose of being revealed when he was, is to waste away, and bring the nation from where he arose out of (USA) to desolation because of exceeding sin.
Daniel Chapter 2 is the foundation in understanding the times in which we live, and Daniel chapter 7 takes what we have learned from Daniel chapter 2 and builds upon it, which identifies the “little horn.”
Understanding Daniel Chapters 2 and 7 are essential to understand 2 Thess. 2: 1-8, as we will now look at.
In this passage we are exhorted by Paul to, "Let no man deceive you by any means.”  In order to not be deceived it is essential that we understand it correctly; therefore we must trust and accept the interpretation of this passage that is provided below, that it is of Him, and is not of any private interpretation. 

 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-8 (KJV) [emphasis mine by Him]
"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him [the gathering together of all saints that have died in Christ, and those alive and remaining after the great tribulation, but before His wrath, in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air], that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ [His coming to meet His saints in the air after that tribulation] is at hand.  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [the gathering together of all saints who have died in Christ, and those alive and remaining after that tribulation, to be gathered together in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air] shall not come, except there come a falling away first [the church comes to the full in no longer believing in the true gospel], and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Obama]; Who opposes and exalts himself [within his own heart] above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he [Obama] as God [usurps himself as God] sits [appoint; set appointment] in the temple of God, showing himself [internalizes in his own heart] that he is God. Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholds [keeps; restrains] that he [Obama] might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity [the matrix of secret sinful societies used by the deceived to usher in their agenda of the New World Order] doth already work: only he [God] who now lets will let [He allows judgment to continue], until he [Michael the archangel] be taken out of the way.  And then shall that Wicked [Antichrist; Satan incarnate] be revealed....."

Incorrect doctrine will always lead to believing a lie, which causes one to live presumptuously before Him, thinking them to be something when they are nothing.  And except they repent beforehand they will have need to be chastised, as only those that have learned to do the Father’s will beforehand, will be accounted worthy to not be chastised, even as Jesus said, “and all that the Father gives to me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out” (Jn. 6: 37; 45).
His faithful are the doers of His word, and they are not cast out, for they have learned to do His will before that time comes, for they walk by faith, and not by sight, having ceased from doing the deeds of the flesh. 
So what is His expectation that we be not cast out to be chastised, or punished, which punishment refers to His wrath?
His expectation is that we cease from doing the deeds of the flesh, as mentioned in 1 Cor. 6: 9-10 and Gal. 5: 19-21, etc., as the working power of His cross made it possible for us to do this; this being one of His purposes for enduring the cross (Jn. 8: 11; 8: 32-36); having destroyed the power of death that kept us enslaved to it.
Yes, you read correctly! He expects us to cease from doing the deeds of the flesh. He calls us to repentance. Jesus Christ came to do what we could not do, so that we could be forgiven of all our past sins and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do it (Rom. 8: 3-4). If we are naming the name of Christ, then we become ambassadors for Christ, therefore His representatives, and if we misrepresent Him by not mortifying the deeds of the flesh (Col. 3: 5) by putting it to death (Romans 6: 5, 13; 8: 13) after being forgiven and cleansed of all our past sins (Rom. 3: 25; 1 Jn. 1: 9), then we can expect to be cast into great tribulation, so to be purified through His chastising, for God is holy, and He has called us also to be holy (1 Pet. 1: 16).
God is love, and He desires none to perish, and He will do all He can to save that person, even if it means to chastised them, but if one refuses to repent of their sins, and will not allow His chastising then they will be considered bastards (Heb. 12: 3-14), and will be cast into His wrath because of their impenitent heart, whose end is Hell, which later will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

Except Those Days be Shortened
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" (Matt. 24: 22).
"And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom He hath chosen, He hath shortened the days" (Mk. 13: 20).
These two verses above virtually say the same thing, except for the highlighted words in Mark 13: 20. It’s shocking to me that many think the word shortened is about Him making the days shorter, thus the tribulation shorter, as I’ve heard it taught, but this has nothing to do with what the word actually means. It might be shortened in duration to His elect, but the length of the last seven years doesn’t change.
The Greek word for shortened is koloboo, which means to abridge (condense), which derives from the base word kolazo, which means to chastise (or reserve for infliction; punish).  In other words, what these two verses are telling us is that except the elect (believers in Christ who were not found worthy to escape because of continued sin) allow themselves to be chastised (shortened), no flesh would be saved, but for the elects sake (those who allow it; “whom He has chosen”), they will be chosen, as He sifts the wheat from the tares, dividing the sheep from the goats, thus those days will be shortened (Matt. 25: 32).  

Those who allow His chastening will be saved, although many of them, but not all, will be martyred for Christ (Rev. 12: 11); those who refuse this chastening will compromise their faith, and accept the mark of the beast, as He sends a strong delusion upon them that they should believe a lie because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved, for they loved the pleasure of unrighteousness more than doing His will  (2 Thess. 2: 10-12).
These disobedient children who disallowed His chastening will be cast into His wrath with the ungodly (those who never accepted Christ), whose end is hell, which then, after the millennium, and the Great White Throne judgment, they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
It appears that the out-pouring of His Holy Spirit (latter rain) will most likely be poured out during this time so to empower those of repentant hearts to endure what they are to face. Please read Hebrews chapter 12.
“…and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb. 12: 14)

Sadly the church has come to the full (Christendom; Dan. 8: 23) in believing and teaching and evangelizing a lie, as they claim and teach that it's not possible to cease from doing the deeds of the flesh, as mentioned above. Sin is unbelief, and the church has become a presumptuous and unbelieving church, as they do not believe that it’s possible to cease from sin, which He made possible for us to do by the working power of His cross, the very power the church now denies!
We must remember, and never forget what Jesus said, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes” (Mark 9: 23). 
If all things are possible then it’s possible to cease from doing the sins of the flesh, which sins are found in 1 Cor. 6: 9-10 and Gal. 5: 19-21.

Let me reiterate that His faithful believers (those that have learned to do the Father's will, and do it, before that time comes) will have no need to be chastised because they have learned to do His will, as they keep sin out (these are doers of His word, and not hearers only), but how exactly we are protected, I am uncertain, whether we are transported into another dimension (this is what many refer to as the Rapture) or given supernatural protection while on the earth, but either way, His faithful are protected, as they will not have need to be chastised during that portion of the great tribulation!  

2 Thess. 2: 1-8 (continued)

The passage above begins by addressing that day (that after the great tribulation the saints who are alive and remaining will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, from their corruptible bodies to an incorruptible one, being caught up together to meet those saints who died before them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord).

Now, before that day can come, two things must occur:

·      1) the apostasy of the church comes first; that when it comes to full (Christendom; Dan. 8: 23) in not believing that it’s possible to cease from doing the deeds of the flesh (1 Cor. 6: 9-10; Gal. 5: 19-21, etc.), but rather preaches, teaches, and evangelizes another gospel, which is not another, claiming that it’s impossible to cease from doing the deeds of the flesh, that when the church comes to the full in turning the truth into a lie then....
·       2) God sends "that man of sin, the son of perdition" (Obama) to waste away and to destroy the nation (USA) from where he came out of because of exceeding sin.  
The revealing of Obama informs us that both criteria for that day to come, spoken of by Paul, have been met:
1. The church as come to the full in forsaking the true gospel
2. The man of sin, the son of perdition revealed

Who Is Obama? 

Obama is the "little horn"; the "lawless one”; "that man of sin, the son of perdition," and the "Assyrian.” Obama is fulfilling God's purpose to waste away the USA via his policies, and then later, after His mighty work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, then He will punish the fruit of the Assyrian, that man of sin, the son of perdition (Is. 10: 12). Obama has been setting the stage to lead the world into the New Word Order, but first his mission, who is by God's command, is to waste away the USA.
Obama's first term set the ground work, as He allowed his second term to finish what he started; confirming (strengthens) that which he promised he would do when he campaigned for the Presidency in 2008.
Because the United States has been the global leader in its 48 year tenor from 1945 (coming of out of WW II), and for reason that Christendom and this nation has become exceedingly sinful, Obama has been commanded by Him to destroy this fourth era of the kingdom of the U.S. Therefore when the U.S. economy collapses, a domino effect will follow throughout the entire world, and global economic chaos will result.
The New World Order slogan is: “Out of chaos arises the New World Order.”
One of the global elite and a prominent Illuminati leader, Henry Kissinger, came forth and announced in 2009 that “Obama is primed to lead us into a New World Order.”
Obama’s purpose is to lead the world to this coming chaos!

The Believing Church
And now ye know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time” (2 Thess. 2: 6)
Now let me ask you, what was keeping Obama from being revealed when he was?  Well, the time when Paul wrote this letter the church had not yet come to the full in believing a false gospel, therefore, when it does come to the full in believing a false gospel, then “that man of sin, the son of perdition,” would be revealed.  Paul prophesied that the true gospel would become perverted and corrupted after his departure, as “wolves” would come into the church speaking perverse things, and drawing away disciples after them (Act. 20: 27-30).
Paul also wrote, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine” (2 Tim. 4: 3). Sound doctrine believes and does the true gospel of Christ. Believers who are born again of the Holy Spirit believe in the true gospel, and they do not commit sin, for they keep themselves, and purify themselves, and the wicked one touches them not (2 Cor. 7: 1; 1 Jn. 3: 3; 1 Jn. 5: 18).

What we have come to understand is that it has been the collective whole of the believing church for nearly two millennia that it has been keeping him (Obama) from being revealed, as souls were coming to Christ and being converted under the true gospel of Christ, but because the collective whole of believers in the church have come to the full in forsaking the gospel truth, then those converts who would come to Christ are coming to Him under a false gospel, which is a lie, who are then made twice more the son of hell than those that brought them. Therefore, when the unbelieving church comes to the full, then that man of sin, the son of perdition (Obama) is revealed, even as he was on Jan. 20, 2009.

New World Order
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way” (2 Thess. 2: 7).
The phrase, "For the mystery of iniquity does already work" speaks of the matrix of secret sinful societies used by those who are deceived to usher in their agenda of the New World Order, for it is God who "lets" and is "letting" (allowing the judgment to sit; Dan. 7: 26), since mankind desires the devil, rather than God to rule over them, therefore He is giving them what they want. God is allowing "that man of sin, the son of perdition (Obama) to lead the world into the New World Order.

So who is Obama?
“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming” (2 Thess. 2: 8).
Obama is the son of perdition, and the Antichrist himself.  How do we know this?  Well, scripture tells us that "he" (God) will “let” (allow the judgment to sit; Dan. 7: 26) until "he" (Michael the archangel) is taken out of the way (Dan. 12: 1).  And when Michael stands up, he no longer restrains, which then that Wicked shall be revealed, even him (Obama, whose coming is after the working of Satan. Obama will become Satan incarnate!
Obama is that man of sin, the son of perdition, who leads the world into the New World Order, which Order comes out of global chaos.  According to scripture Obama will become the Antichrist, Satan incarnate! 

Now know this, we’ve been in Daniel’s last prophetic week since Jan. 20, 2009, as the beginning of sorrows is synonymous with the revealing of Obama. 
Almost 4 1/2 years has transpired since then. From another study the Lord had me do He showed me that the church began its modern day famine (spiritual famine; Gen. 45: 6) on Sept. 29, 2008, Rosh Hashanah (Dow Jones crash of 777 points), and then, for the next two years their would be a decrease of souls being saved under the true gospel, and then, from Sept. 10, 2010, Rosh Hashanah, for the next five years, there would be no new seed to harvest.
The 5th anniversary from when the modern day famine began in 2008 falls on Sept. 4-6, 2013, Rosh Hashanah. Could something of significance happen on this 5th anniversary?  I don’t know, but two years later from that date, falls on Sept. 13-15, 2015, Rosh Hashanah, which is the 7th anniversary from Rosh Hashanah 2008. Could this be the completion date of the church being chastised, since Rosh Hashanah 2008 signified that the church had come to the full in no longer believing the true gospel?

Final Conclusion

If these things are correct then the margin for the start of those horrific events in the Middle East is very thin, to say the least!  Considering the times in which we live, and seeing all these things coming to pass before our very eyes, not to mention the Tetrad blood red moons in 2014-2015, should give one pause, as these moons are given to us for a sign.
Are you really prepared in your heart, and can you say with all confidence that you will be accounted worthy to escape what is coming? Do you have that abiding relationship with Him that is an absolute must? Have you ceased from doing the deeds of the flesh? 
Jesus said the time coming will be like no other time ever on the face of the earth, and never to be equaled again.  Is there willful sin still going on in your heart? If there is, then you must repent, and be converted in your heart, and I mean now, because the time is short. We must surrender all to Him, and to go and sin no more.
We are called to examine oneself to be sure we are in the faith, and to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2: 12). Are you doing so? Or are you living presumptuously with a nonchalant attitude before Him? We are also called to encourage, exhort, and edify one another so to remain strong in the faith as we see the day approaching (Heb. 10: 25).
My final exhortation is not only to you, but to me also, that is, “be doers of His word, and not hearers only, deceiving ones self,” and, “be holy, for I Am holy” (1 Pet. 1: 16).
Take His word seriously, and watch and pray always, guarding your heart and mind, because the days are evil, so that you can be accounted worthy to escape all these things…” (Luke 21: 36).
In the love of Christ,

1 comment:

  1. PPSimmons made several videos that clearly back up what this article is saying which is that Obama's the Antichrist. PPSimmons brings us the proof because of the Mark of the Beast 666 drawn in the Illinois lottery on the day following Obama's election.

    Here's also a video I made using an original video by "LuvWorkingAtHome".

    Obama State Lottery Is 666 Day After Win/ (Antichrist)


    Here's also an article from Newsweek Magazine from 2008: "Is Obama the Antichrist?"


    Spread this good news of this revelation. I'm "King of Shambhala" at BeforeItsNews and a co-reporter with PPSimmons. You can comment on my articles if you like. Let's gather the Army of Truth, aka Messengers of the Apocalypse and rule the world. Throw Obama into hell (as Bible says to do.).

    By uniting our efforts, the Apocalypse will break and Carl has done great work and still is. Let's support him and the rest who work with him. Geir Smith.
