Zev Porat

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Campaign puts 'gay rights' behind Constitution


The cases are well-known: The Colorado baker in trouble because he declined to violate his own faith and promote same-sex "marriage" with his work, the Washington florist who made the same decision, and the New Mexico photographer who actually was fined by the state for turning down a request to promote lesbianism with her services.

People more and more are finding themselves in that no-win situation, where they have a strong Judeo-Christian faith and belief in the biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman – but are faced with the demands of city or county "nondiscrimination" laws that bulldoze through their beliefs with a requirement to endorse and support those alternative lifestyles.

An attorney whose work on constitutional issues is well-known says such conflicts shouldn't happen. Matt Barber, vice president for Liberty Counsel Action, tells WND that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is supreme, and that local ordinances that demand people violate its precepts must fall.


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