Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WE TOLD YOU SO! Zoophilia hits main stream - Canadians and Australians EMBRACE!

RE-POST - By Mike Shoesmith

I shouldn't have been terribly surprised. It was on CBC Radio after all. However I suppose my conscience is not sufficiently seared for this type of stuff to have no affect on me. In fact, it makes me very, very angry.

Peter Singer, poplar animal rights activist and 'philosopher' was interviewed on CBC Radio Sat July 27 on a show titled 'Tooth and Claw.' CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio is 100% tax-payer funded with an annual budget of hundreds of millions of dollars. The Canadian public, myself included, is actually funding the celebration of this abominable worldview.

In the interview, Singer proposes that people are not born persons. He suggests that apes are more 'persons' than human babies are. He also suggests as a matter of fact that since modern society has embraced homosexual activity then it is now time for society to embrace bestiality aka Zoophilia. Singer said:

"Given that we've reformed laws concerning other forms of sexual behavior, notably homosexual sexual behavior, and nobody thinks that should be a crime, or few people think that should be a crime so I was just raising a question as to why we still have this crime on the books about sexual contact with animals... "

Before you write this guy off as a non-influential boob consider his credentials and influence outlined in Wikipedia:

Peter Albert David SingerAC (born 6 July 1946) is an Australian moral philosopher. He is currently the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, and a Laureate Professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne. He specializes in applied ethics and approaches ethical issues from a secularpreference utilitarian perspective. He is a major proponent of biocentrism.[1] He is known in particular for his book, Animal Liberation (1975), a canonical text in animal rights/liberation theory.
On two occasions Singer served as chair of the philosophy department at Monash University, where he founded its Centre for Human Bioethics. In 1996 he stood unsuccessfully as a Greens candidate for the Australian Senate. In 2004 he was recognized as the Australian Humanist of the Year by the Council of Australian Humanist Societies, and in June 2012 was named a Companion of the Order of Australia for his services to philosophy and bioethics.[2] He serves on the Advisory Board of Incentives for Global Health, the NGO formed to develop the Health Impact Fund proposal. He was voted one of Australia's ten most influential public intellectuals in 2006.[3] Singer currently serves on the advisory board of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP)
The CBC interviewer ended the segment with "Professor Singer it's really an honor to speak with you."

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:37

What was it like in the 'days of Noe?'

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Genesis 6:5

The Endtime is now.

(FYI - there is no such word as 'beastiality'... we have used the correct spelling - 'bestiality.' I only bring this up because a few people have tried correcting us on this.)


  1. If people look at animals and think of sex, will they look at each other and think of meat?
    Demonstrative homosexual behavior will never be acceptable where I live, and I'm grateful for that.

    1. Perhaps the problem *is* the fact that people look at animals and think of meat.
