Friday, August 9, 2013

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio orders deputies to carry AR-15 style rifles and remain armed even when off duty

FROM CARL GALLUPS (PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Founder) - When I was a Deputy Sheriff in Florida over 30 years ago - we were required to carry our firearm and badge 24-7 while in-county. We also each had an AR-15 in our vehicle and we were trained in how to use them. This was in addition to a 12 gauge riot style shotgun. It's hilarious to me to watch the libertards going crazy over what Sheriff Arpaio is doing now. Frankly, I am amazed that this was not already the policy for the MCSO.

Controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he is arming his deputies with AR-15 style rifles and ordering the deputies to carry weapons even when they are off duty.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is ramping up department firepower. (KTVK 3TV Phoenix)Local Phoenix affiliate Fox10 reports that Arpaio said the new rifles are essential to help local police combat criminals who are using increasingly powerful weaponry.
"We live in a violent society, even here in Maricopa County, and across our nation, and the least we can do is to arm our deputies, let's say with enough firepower to fight back."

But the news that he is requiring the deputies to be armed and essentially on duty at all times is noteworthy.
"My deputies will carry guns 24 hours a day, even off duty. If they see any incident occurring, they will take action anywhere in this valley," he said.
Arpaio says the 400 new Smith & Wesson rifles were purchased using money obtained from arrests. The 81-year-old self-described "America's toughest sheriff" is no stranger to controversy, stemming primarily from his strict enforcement of the state's immigration laws.
Local affiliate ABC15 reports that the deputies will be required to carry only a handgun at all times, meaning they will have to employ the AR-15 style rifles only while on duty.
“While this decision may seem controversial to some in the public and among other law enforcement agencies, I have extreme confidence in the training and professionalism of the men and women deputies in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office,” Arpaio said at a news conference on Thursday.
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ABOUT CARL GALLUPS: Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer, and a long-time senior pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.
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