Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Atheists, evolutionists actually in a panic! WATCH EVOLUTIONISTS STUMBLE OVER THEORY'S 'PROOF'

Imagine having a worldview that permits rape, murder, homosexuality, pornography, abortion, blasphemy and adultery.

 Now imagine this worldview being taught to generation after generation and how it would eventually destroy the foundations of any nation. And imagine if it was taught as legitimate science.

 Such is Darwinian evolution, according to the maker of a new DVD, who contends the theory helped form the ideological foundation for Hitler’s Holocaust and the effort to rid America of God and any moral accountability.

 Then envision one man taking a camera to leading evolutionary scientists at UCLA and USC, and holding their feet to the fire for scientific evidence for Darwinian evolution. Imagine seeing these renowned experts flounder like a fish in a dry desert because they couldn’t produce the evidence.

Think of it – a bold and revolutionary movie that overturns Darwinian evolution within its first 16 minutes and exposes it as bogus science. Imagine it. That would be huge news in the scientific and academic world.

 That movie exists.


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