Friday, August 2, 2013

Black Florida lawmaker calls Jesse Jackson a 'disgrace'

PPSIMMONS:  Just a note - Mike Hill is a personal friend of Carl Gallups (founder of PPSIMMONS). Carl has openly supported Mike in his legislative bid. Now, we are even more proud to be associated with Rep. Mike Hill.

Mike Hill

Newly-elected state Rep. Mike Hill of Pensacola, the lone African-American Republican in the Florida Legislature, issued the following statement in response to recent comments from Jesse Jackson about Florida:

"As a father, a husband, and a business-owner in Florida, I find the attacks on our state and our leaders by Jesse Jackson ridiculous. As a black man who has been able to live my dreams in this great state, Jackson's comments are dangerously divisive and offensive.

"I first came to the Sunshine State as a young Air Force officer, and found a place so beautiful and filled with opportunity I decided to make it my home. When the entrepreneurial spirit took hold, my neighbors and colleagues embraced my new venture without prejudice or discrimination. In the decades since, I have been blessed with a loving family and a community where people are treated with respect.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sir for your honesty,Wish we had more black leader like you.
