Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Black Hawk Helicopters Terrorize Michigan Citizens; DHS Vans Spy On Outspoken Activists

As detailed in a previous episode of The Truth Is Viral, a combat-wounded Army Ranger has come forward to complain about attempts to intimidate, some might say terrorize, Michigan Patriots who are vocal about their opposition to the Obama regime.

This war veteran's blood, indeed, the blood of everyone who was ever wounded or killed in the line of duty, has been shed on behalf of a nation that is increasingly turning on those veterans with a paranoid vengeance; declaring them possible "domestic terrorists" along with Preppers, "Birthers", pro-Lifers, environmentalists, home-schoolers, Christians and even - ridiculous as it sounds - people who pay for their purchases in cash.

This witness, who has come forward to tell his story at great personal risk, has been an extremely vocal Patriot, and has experienced direct intimidation in the form of black vans with tinted windows (but without license plates) parking down the street from his house hacking into his WiFi and surveilling either him or the whole block, and a visit from a Black Hawk helicopter that flew so low the pilot could have trimmed the tree with his main rotor.

The witness, who spoke on camera on the condition that his identity be obscured, said that a Black Hawk helicopter buzzed his home twice, once flying no more than 25 feet above the ground over his backyard. The pilot hovered, he said, looked him dead in the eye for a few seconds, then turned his aircraft and flew off.

Angered at what was clearly an act of intimidation the witness said, "They can take my blood, they can take my life, but they will never take the rights that God granted me. Those are God-given, and there's not a man walking on this Earth that can come up against God and win."

Operating under cover of the largest air combat exercise in the country called "Northern Strike," the skies over Northeastern Michigan have been filled with flights of attack helicopters, all fully loaded, flying back and forth to the gunnery range at Camp Grayling. C-130's have also been landing at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center filled with foreign troops taking part in these exercises, which include ground operations. I personally ran into four individuals in the local Walmart who bore all the hallmark signs of being Spetsnaz - Russian Special Forces.

Read the rest of this fascinating story at:

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