Monday, August 12, 2013

DEFY THE IRS! Congressman Proclaims!

Rep. Steve King (R Iowa) Fires Up Conservative Conference, Says to Defy the IRS, Stands with Non Profits

In a stirring address, King told the audience that "when we lean across our backyard fence, or when you step up to the pulpit or when you sit in the pew, when you profess the things that we believe in, and you're a 501(c)3 and you're afraid of the IRS, just go ahead and defy the IRS on that.

"I'll stand there with you. If we can't preach the word in America, where can we preach it?"

The audience broke out in heavy applause and shouts throughout much of his speech.

The Family Leadership Summit is organized by the nonprofit religious organization the Family Leader, the Huffington Post reports. Other speakers at the event included former GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum and real estate mogul Donald Trump, the Post adds.

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