Thursday, August 1, 2013

Genetic 'Adam' and 'Eve' Uncovered! Scientists forced to OVERTURN former findings and admit 'Adam and Eve' lived simultaneously!

Well well - this week it appears the scientific community is catching up even more to the truths outlined in the biblical narrative. Live Science is reporting findings, detailed today (Aug. 1) in the journal Science, which come from the most complete analysis of the male sex chromosome, or the Y chromosome, to date. The results overturn earlier research, which suggested that men's most recent common ancestor lived just 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.

Almost every man alive can trace his origins to one man who lived about 135,000 years ago, new research suggests. And that ancient man likely (let him that readeth understand,) shared the planet with the mother of all women!

The article goes to great lengths to cover up the embarrassment of this find for evolutionists however Bible believers can rest easy knowing that, when the rubber meets the road, the Word of God stands firm. 

Read the article with all of its blustering cover-up here...

In's commentary on this finding Carl Weiland writes: "The mitochondrial Eve data does not force the belief that there was only one woman from whom we all descended—in other words, it doesn't prove the Bible—but—a very important ‘but’— it is most definitely consistent with it."


"Creationists have correctly countered both Eve’s ‘age’ and the Neandertal assertions by saying that the molecular clock calibrations are way off.2 Since, for example, the creationist’s (true) Eve lived only a few thousand years ago, the mutational substitutions in mtDNA must have happened at a much faster rate than assumed by evolutionists to date... In fact, a number of recent studies on living populations have indeed come up with results which indicate a much higher rate of mutation in human mtDNA... Evolutionists have tried to evade the force of these results by countering that the high mutation rate only occurs in certain stretches of DNA called ‘hot spots’ and/or that the high (observed) rate causes back mutations which ‘erase’ the effects of this high rate. Therefore, conveniently, the rate is assumed to be high over a short time span, but effectively low over a long time span. However, this is special pleading to get out of a difficulty, and the burden of proof is on evolutionists to sustain the vast ages for ‘Eve’ in the face of these documented, modern-day mutation rates. These are indeed encouraging results for creationists."

Read his entire article here...


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