Thursday, August 1, 2013

JIm Bramlett and IN THE WORD Radio - TUNE IN!

Jim Bramlett is a friend of PPSIMMONS News and Ministry.  He is a personal friend of Carl Gallups. We want to make Jim's show available to all of our subs and fans. Give Jim Bramlett a listen on IN THE WORD every Tuesday evening at 3 P.M. Eastern Time.


"In the Word," on WTVO Internet radio, where Jim explores some of the deeper truths of the Bible.  The show is live every Tuesday at 3 pm. ET, at

If one cannot listen at that day and time, Jim has an archive page set up where you can listen to previous programs.  The archive is at

ABOUT Jim Bramlett - Former United States Air Force Lt. Colonel and currently an Author as well as a Minster of the Gospel - for a variety of topics that are sure to captivate.
Jim Bramlett
In 1974, due to a call into full-time Christian ministry, Jim retired as a regular officer and Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force after 20 years of distinguished military service. He was led to join Pat Robertson and the Christian Broadcasting Network where he soon headed and helped pioneer the national and later international network of more than 60 counseling centers. He also helped start and headed CBN's first personnel department and human resources function. Jim was a Vice President of over both counseling and human resources until he felt led to resign in 1983.

Jim continued in evangelistic work and with freelance Christian writing. He has written five nationally selling Christian books and many articles and has won a coveted Amy Writing Award.

From 1991 to 2001 he was special assistant to the founder and president of Campus Crusade for Christ International, Dr. Bill Bright. Campus Crusade for Christ has more than 25,000 full-time staff and 553,000 trained volunteer staff in 196 countries in areas representing 99.6 percent of the world's population.

Jim's church affiliation has been Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Assemblies of God and nondenominational, and prefers to just be called "a follower of Jesus."

It was in 1971 that Jim says the Lord first began showing him that we are in the last days, prompting an immediate study and continuing interest in biblical prophecy, but he says it was as though the Lord began to "shout it" to him in 1993.

Jim has a B.A. degree from the University of Miami (Florida), an M.B.A. from the Ohio State University, and he is a graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and three other lengthy military professional and management schools. He is married and has three grown sons.

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