Friday, August 2, 2013

Netanyahu packs a punch!


The Knesset can be a tough crowd for any Prime Minister. The fierce debate often forces the Knesset speaker to intervene and even discipline MKs who are deemed too disruptive.
So PM Netanyahu must have been quite pleased at requiring the speaker to call the legislature to order for a very different reason.

The exchange took place Thursday night, as the Knesset debated a bill that would require a national referendum before the signing of a deal that cedes land under Israeli sovereignty to another country.
A heated exchange developed in the course of the debate, between Jewish and Arab MKs. MK Jamal Zahalka (Balad) told the Knesset: “Since the referendum is over occupied territory, what applies is international law, and therefore the national referendum should be a binational referendum.
MK Moti Yogev (Bayit Yehudi) shouted at Zahalka: “The Land of Israel belongs to the nation of Israel and you are the foreigners here!”

To this, Zahalka replied: “We were here before you. I was here before you. And we will be here after you! So stop dreaming.”

Hearing this, the prime minister requested the right to reply to Zahalka – an action he rarely takes.
He went to the podium and said: “I hadn’t intended to speak. But I heard the statement by MK Zahalka. You said, ‘We were here before you… and we will be here after you.’ The first part is not true. And the second part will not happen.”

With that, Netanyahu strode off from the podium, leaving the Knesset speaker to restrain MKs from the applause that they spontaneously engaged in.

 The Jerusalem Connection says: Heartening indeed was the Prime Minister’s response to the Arab Member of the Knesset. Basically, in his brief retort was an allusion to both God’s eternal mandate for the Jews to have the land, but also the irrefutable International law that grants the land to the Jews. (see our “One of the Best” for this week.) Because of the dysfunctional denial of these two realities by the Obama administration, and most recently by the Secretary of State John Kerry, that we have these periodic pursuits of inevitable failure of a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. What is it that we don’t understand about the perennial Palestinian “NO” to our utopian dreams of peace? At the same time, why is it that Israel’s leaders simply refuse to emphasize the two most powerful and unanswerable arguments for their case – God’s covenant promises for a homeland for the Jews and a chain of International law in their favor? Must we wait for the Messiah to accomplish this? It looks like we may have to do just that.

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