Thursday, August 8, 2013

NEXT Obama Trick confirmed! RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE! This is communism folks - It's as plain as it gets!

By Mike Shoesmith

In today's latest email blast out of the Obama campaign HQ (OFA) it was revealed that President Barack Hussein Obama will push to increase the nation's minimum wage. Here is the email:

Friend -- 
This is just awful:
The current minimum wage is $7.25 per hour -- and if you work 40 hours per week making minimum wage, you're only making $14,500 per year. That's well below the poverty line.
President Obama is calling on Congress to raise the minimum wage -- and today OFA supporters are getting behind him and other allied organizations to take on this fight.
If you agree that it's time for working Americans to get a raise, then add your name today.
President Obama said it best: "No one who works full-time in America should have to live in poverty." 
The President's plan will give 15 million American workers a much-needed raise. For many, it will be their first raise since the last minimum-wage increase back in 2009 -- and go a long way towards helping full-time minimum wage earners pay rent and put food on the table.
It makes sense for businesses, too. Maybe this is simple economics, but it seems pretty obvious that when workers make more money, they buy more products and services.
If you want to be part of this work, start with something simple -- say that you support raising the minimum wage today:
Thanks -- more to come, 
Jon CarsonExecutive DirectorOrganizing for Action
Always a party favorite for the socialists/communists. "The President's plan will give 15 million American workers a much-needed raise." Ok, first of all we cannot ignore the obvious communist language here. The very word itself- 'workers' - has communist undertones when spoken of by governments. And how is it the responsibility of the President to give people a raise in private sector matters? It is not. In a democratic capitalist society it is not the job of the president to decide how much money people are paid in the private sector. That is communism in its purest manifestation.

Also - the words: "It makes sense for businesses, too. Maybe this is simple economics, but it seems pretty obvious that when workers make more money, they buy more products and services." Um... no. It's not 'simple economics,' it's simple-mindedness! The government will be redistributing wealth, a clear violation of 'simple economics.' This is communism, folks. It's as plain as it gets.

The math doesn't add up either. When wages are raised it has the effect of knocking people out of work rather than helping the over all economy. If an employer has a budget of ten employees at the minimum wage and the wage is increased forcibly it often results in a reduction in employee numbers in order to keep the books balanced - an important dynamic in 'simple economics.'

America (including Canada) was built on the backs of rugged individualists driven by the desire to better themselves and their circumstances. Enough with the communism already... unless the real goal here is to further enslave the population by deciding how much they make, etc. Something to ponder as the next federal election approaches.

We are not against a 'minimum wage' of course. I have a personal 'minimum wage' which is commensurate with my abilities - the value of the service which I provide. Each of us is an individual franchise after all: a union of one.

This begs the question of course: why is it that the Obama administration sees no need to legislate morality when it comes to personal sexual preference (in spite of the overwhelming evidence in favor of enforcing tight restrictions on sexual behavior) while expressing the pressing need to confiscate money from the county's producers and for the American people to accept a 'minimum' wage set by the government? No minimum moral standard yet a minimum wage? Seems a little duplicitous, eh?

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