Sunday, August 4, 2013

Obama Fraud Case - NOW IT IS YOUR TURN!

YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR IT - Now it is your turn to act!  Gallups, Zullo, Arpaio, and others have done YEARS of hard work. Now Congressmen Yoho and Stockman and trying to move this to a congressional investigation. THEY NEED YOUR HELP!  Now it is time. Will YOU step up to the plate?

CONGRESSMAN STEVE STOCKMAN has a bill to bring to Congress! Congressman Ted Yoho will join him! Will YOU?   Listen to the brief PPSIMMONS Radio announcement below.

Mailing addresses/ emails for EVERY Congressman. Find your state - click on the name of the congressman. You will see mailing addresses - phone numbers - email addresses.

326 Cannon House Office Building
Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-1555
Fax: 202-226-0396

511 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-5744

PLEASE - listen to this brief radio clip with Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo.
Congressman Stockman has a bill to go before Congress on the Obama Fraud
YOU have been asking: What can we do?

1. Write Stockman a snail mail letter      (SEE ADDRESSES BELOW)

2. Make a copy and send it to Congressman Yoho

3. Make another copy and send it to YOUR Congressman

4. Make other copies and send to any and all Congressmen that you think MIGHT get on board.

5. GO TO THEIR FACE BOOK SITES!   Stockman, Yoho, and YOUR congressman. Leave messages and posts ENCOURAGING them to go forward with this.

6. Make a DONATION to Stockman's soon upcoming campaign. Put YOUR MONEY where your heart is. Stockman is going to take a huge political hit. He needs YOU now and he needs you badly. PLEASE DO THIS. Even if it is $5. Do SOMETHING. This might be your one last chance.

You can make online donations to the Stockman campaign at this web site: , or they can mail checks to this address:

Friends of Steve Stockman
133 N Friendswood Suite 229
Friendswood, Texas 77546

People who choose to send checks should include a note stating the following:

1. I am a United States citizen or an individual lawfully admitted with permanent residence stats (e.g., a "green card holder").
2. I am not a federal government contractor.
3. This contribution is made from my own personal funds and is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization, or national bank.
4. This contribution is made on a personal credit card and not a corporate credit card or the credit card of another person.*

- or -

1. The organization making this contribution is incorporated in the United States.
2. The organization making this contribution is not a federal government contractor.


  1. I take credit for Ted Yoho. I asked him last week to contact Steve Stockman about the Obama Fraud. Although Yoho like all the congressmen tried duck the question, he did say he would contact Steve Stockman and made his Chief of Staff note it. Apparently, Yoho has kept his promise about contacting Stockman.

  2. I am now going to try to contact Rich Nugent, Yoho's neighboring Congressman. Rich Nugent is a former sheriff and has said in the past that he considers Sheriff Arpaio a friend. It seems that Congressman's Cheif Staff do most of work and are their advisors. Rich Nugent's COS is

  3. Thank you James! Perhaps your contact had something to do with Yoho - more than likely it did. WAY TO GET INVOLVED! Bless you!
