Friday, August 9, 2013

OMGOSH! We TOLD you THIS was going to HAPPEN!

OMGosh!  It looks like our PPSIMMONS video we posted a couple of years ago is coming to fulfillment. We were mocked for it then - but now it is happening!  See our video - the second one down in this article.

 Obama bringing 1,000s of Muslim Immigrants to America!


With conditions continuing to deteriorate in Syria, the Obama administration is making a major policy shift by agreeing for the first time to allow thousands of new Syrian refugees into the United States, The Cable has learned.
The numbers are relatively small: just 2,000 refugees, compared to an estimated two million people who have fled Syria during the civil war. But it's a significant increase from the 90 or so permanent Syrian refugees who have been admitted to the U.S. in the last two years. And it's not entirely uncontroversial. The refugees, mostly women and children, will be screened for terrorist ties — a process that could take a year or more to complete.
Unlike previous efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to give temporary protected status to Syrians already in the United States, the State Department effort will bring in Syrians from overseas for permanent resettlement in America.

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