Monday, August 26, 2013

PHENOMENON! RABBI BOOK - HUGE HIT! Weeks from official release!

While Carl Gallups' latest book THE RABBI WHO FOUND MESSIAH: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime is still 7 weeks from its official release, (November 5) it is available for pre-order on Amazon...and it is going crazy! 

Carl Gallups told us, "A few days ago, when it was first put on Amazon for pre-sale, the book ranked at the bottom of Amazon's pile - about 14,000,000.  Within hours of its posting it soared to the top 1% of all of Amazon's books and hovered between the 15,000 and 30,000 mark in sales orders.  Today, August 26, just days from its initial offering it is in the 9,000 area of ranking and rating in 3 different Best Sellers categories!Again, I am deeply honored and give all glory to the Lord. It seems He has a definitive message for His people in these last days."

We encourage our readers to order their copy today. With Amazon you are always guaranteed the lowest price on delivery date - plus when you pre-order, Amazon will ship the book to you sometime before the actual release date. You should be among the first to get your hands on a copy of this explosive book.  

This book would make an awesome Christmas gift!

Get the book HERE:

 Current Amazon Rankings - 7 weeks from release date!

Product Details

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