Wednesday, August 28, 2013

PROPHETIC? Bald eagle flies off course into window, falls in a heap On “Golden Eagle Day” at Oral Roberts University

On "Golden Eagle Day" at Oral Roberts University last week, a bald eagle named Lewis was part of a special chapel service marking the start of the 2013 fall semester when things went horribly wrong.
Lewis was supposed to fly from the back of the chapel and land on the arm of his handler, Roger Wallace of the World Bird Sanctuary, who was standing on the front stage with ORU president Dr. William Wilson.
Instead, Lewis veered off track and swooped over the heads of the students, who were chanting "USA! USA!" Then this happened:
Yes, Lewis, our nation's symbol, inexplicably crashed into the window and fell to the ground in a heap amid gasps and shrieks from the audience.
"It's OK, it's OK," Wilson assured the crowd. "Roger's got it."

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