Thursday, August 22, 2013

Students forced to KNEEL before Principal in California

Students Forced to Kneel Before Their Principal

Students at a California elementary school will no longer be forced to kneel before their principal after outraged parents complained.

Dana Carter, the principal at Calimesa Elementary School, instituted the policy as a safety measure, reported.

One parent told the television station she was upset after her 7-year-old daughter was forced to kneel before the principal.

"She says that she has to drop down on one knee with her hands at her side, wait for the principal to come out, lift his arms and tell them to go to class," she said. "I feel that the principal wants to be like a king, and we don't have kings in America."

The school district said the policy was meant to be a "positive behavior intervention" but will no longer be enforced.

Who did this principal think he was — President Obama?

It seems to me the only person students should bowing down to is the King of Kings — but He was expelled from public school years ago.


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