Thursday, August 29, 2013

Where is the U.S. Military on Obama’s Fake Credentials?


by Sharon Rondeau

The image purported to be Obama's long-form birth certificate has been found to be fraudulent, along with his Selective Service registration form
(Aug. 29, 2013) — Barack Hussein Obama is considering military action against the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad for allegedly using chemical weapons in the ongoing civil war with rebel forces.
Obama has supported the Syrian opposition with arms, although members of Al Qaeda and The Muslim Brotherhood are known to be fighting with them.  Reports of atrocities committed by both sides have been reported in the two years in which the civil war has ensued.  Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, who Obama appointed for a second term in June, advised against arming the Syrian rebels based on concerns about the cost necessary "to preserve a functioning state" after providing assistance.
On Monday, Obama awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military award, to Staff. Sgt. Ty Carter, who charged through a firefight with members of the Taliban in Afghanistan on October 3, 2009 to carry a gravely wounded soldier in an attempt to save his life.
Spc. Stephan L. Mace ultimately died of his injuries, and Carter was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), from which he told CBS News he has largely recovered.
Combat Outpost Keating, where Carter was stationed, was "surrounded" by Taliban with grenades and automatic rifles, resulting in the deaths of eight Americans with 53 wounded.
Carter described the outpost as "clearly undefendable" and "a dangerous place to be," with Taliban able to shoot from behind the mountains.  The Washington Post reported that "After the attack, U.S. and Afghan troops left the area, and American commanders tried a new approach to stablizing the fractious region: They began working with one of their former enemies."
The U.S. Army website said of the award ceremony:
After telling the story of the ambush, which raged for 13 hours between 53 Soldiers and some 300 Taliban, and citing Carter's complete disregard for his own safety, President Barack Obama draped the Medal of Honor around the 33-year-old Cavalry scout's neck in the White House East Room, Aug. 26.
A second soldier, Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha, also received the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the same battle.
On Thursday morning, Carter appeared as a guest on Fox & Friends with co-host Eric Bolling, who asked him, "What does it mean to wear the uniform?" to which Carter responded, "I serve to protect my family…my Army family, my service family, and of course, my family back at home…" He said that "a war" is continuing in Afghanistan, which demonstrates that there are places where life cannot be enjoyed as in America.
Under Obama, the military Rules of Engagement have changed such that soldiers cannot fire at members of the enemy unless they can clearly see that they are armed, which many say have needlessly cost American lives.
After nearly five years in the White House, it is unknown if Obama is constitutionally eligible or legally occupying the office of president and commander-in-chief.  The long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 in an apparent attempt to convince the American public that Obama was born in Hawaii, as he claimed, has been declared a "computer-generated forgery," along with his Selective Service registration form.
While the FBI has been contacted on numerous occasions, including by certified mail and by means of formal criminal complaints, it appears to have taken no action to find the person who committed the forgery or the individual who uploaded it to the White House server.
The Cold Case Posse, which conducted the now 23-month investigation into the image, is attempting to spearhead a congressional investigation to identify the perpetrators of the crime.  At its first press conference on March 1, 2012, lead investigator Michael Zullo stated that the posse had identified the laptop computer from which the image was uploaded but not the individual who had done it.
Zullo has reported that the posse has found no evidence that Obama spent any time in Hawaii before the age of five, contrary to many news reports and Obama's own statements.  The hospital where he claims he was born, Kapiolani Medical Center, will not confirm Obama's statement.
A search of the Kapiolani website with the term "Obama" yields "No results."

Screenshot of search at the Kapiolani Medical Center website for "Obama"

Screen shot of results using the search term "Obama" on the Kapiolani website
The U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a "natural born Citizen," the definition of which has been a subject of debate over the last five years.  It is believed that the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign originally raised the issue of Obama's possible ineligibility for the office.  Left-leaning commentator Chris Matthews reported in late 2007 that Obama was born in Indonesia, as did Hawaii journalist Will Hoover, although Hoover quickly changed his story to say that Obama was born in Hawaii after his "error" was quickly brought to his attention.
Many historians and legal scholars say that the "natural born Citizen" clause was included in the Constitution to eliminate the possibility of foreign influence and divided allegiances from the office of the chief executive of the nation.
Since taking office, Obama has shown clear preference for Islam over Christianity after claiming that he is a practicing Christian.  He has indicated support for the Ground Zero Mosque; the changes made to military training materials which have removed what Muslims see as derogatory references to their faith; former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, who is a member of The Muslim Brotherhood; and may have funneled bribes through the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to Morsi and other Brotherhood members if recent reports are accurate.
Obama's open support of the rebels in Syria and apparent willingness to go to war on their behalf has been questioned by members of the United Nations Security Council and many in Congress, who are asking for a congressional consultation with Obama before he takes action.
On Monday, it appeared inevitable that Obama would order a strike on Syria's government for using chemical weapons allegedly "against the world's most vulnerable people," according to putative Secretary of State John Kerry.  However, on Thursday, a resolution promoted by the UK at the United Nations Security Council to take military action against Assad was not approved, with representatives from China and Russia abruptly leaving the meeting.
Reuters reported on Thursday that "the U.S. has not presented concrete proof" that the chemical attack on August 21 was waged by Assad's forces, and there is evidence that the rebels have used chemical weapons.  Theodore Shoebat, brother of Walid Shoebat, who is a Middle Eastern expert and analyst, wrote on Wednesday that "The day after Obama's reelection was announced, I wrote that Obama will be more reckless in his second term than in his first, in that he will work with NATO, France, and Britain, in attacking Syria, and on how the only one who would gain from this attack will be Turkey, because the Turks, with Assad gone, can more easily revive its former Ottoman empire."
Although terms referring to Islamic-instigated terrorism have been scrubbed from military and FBI reference manuals under Obama, those voicing support for the U.S. Constitution, freedom, home-schooling, Christian principles, sports "patriotic bumper stickers," or "are suspicious of centralized authority" are considered "potential terrorists."
A U.S. Air Force training manual classifies the colonists who rebelled against British rule and taxation "extremists."
Which enemy, then, is our military fighting?  Which enemy should it be fighting?
Since before the first presidential election in which Obama was a candidate, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D., has maintained that an illegitimate commander-in-chief would cause "potentially the gravest constitutional crisis" in American history.
Former Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a decorated Army flight surgeon, went to Ft. Leavenworth for a six-month sentence, losing all pay, future pension and receiving a dishonorable discharge after asking for proof that Obama was constitutionally eligible to serve and issue military orders.  Col. Denise Lind, who sentenced Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison earlier this month, stated that Lakin could not obtain discovery from the state of Hawaii relevant to Obama's eligibility because "it could prove embarrassing for Obama."
The military has remained silent on the Obama eligibility/identity issue.  At 7:13 a.m. EDT on Thursday, The Post & Email contacted Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. Catherine Wilkinson for comment on the declaration of forgery regarding Obama's documentation:
Hi Cathy, my newspaper has been following the Obama eligibility/identity question for the last four years since its inception in August 2009.
May I obtain a statement from the military about whether or not they are aware that the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website since April 27, 2011 has been declared a "computer-generated forgery" by a law enforcement investigation?
Is the military aware that a congressional investigation into the forgery might be launched as a result of the Cold Case Posse's investigation?
Does the military have the ability to analyze the Obama birth certificate image and Selective Service registration form to determine if they are authentic?  If so, why has that not been done?
What are the ramifications if the U.S. military has been taking orders from someone who achieved the office of president and commander-in-chief by fraud?
Thank you very much.
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email
P.O. Box 195
Stafford Springs, CT  06076
At approximately 9:30 a.m. EDT, we received a response from Lt. Col. Todd J. Breasseale, which reads:
Dear Ms. Rondeau,
> We can only assume that your query is not a legitimate question and is some sort of nonsensical joke.
> We are happy to consider reality-based requests, but do not entertain absurdities from the web.
> Very respectfully,
> Todd
Our response sent to Breasseale at 10:01 a.m. reads:
Dear Lt. Col. Breasseale:
It is absolutely not a joke.  I provided references to legitimate sources with evidence made public on numerous radio shows and in a 57-page affidavit in a current court case in Alabama, a copy of which I have received personally from its author, the lead investigator on the case:

I am stunned at your response and can obtain an interview for you with lead investigator Michael Zullo if you wish, as I have spoken with him directly on many occasions.
Two formal press conferences were held last year announcing the findings of fraud and forgery, one on March 1 and the second on July 17, calling for a congressional investigation:
Rep. Steve Stockman has pledged to launch an investigation, and that is certainly not "nonsense."
Here, a second congressman states his support for a bill requiring an investigation:
How can this issue possibly be ignored?
Additionally, I never received a response from you regarding the evidence I told you I possess regarding a politically-motivated court-martial which contains a fraudulent signature.  The case is well-known and has been covered up by the NCIS and the U.S. Navy for almost 24 years.  Earlier this week, I referred the matter to the House Armed Services Committee.
Late last month, Dr. George Little had promised future openness and "no spin" from the military, and I had hoped that his public affairs officers would keep that pledge.  I have always asked serious questions in my contacts with your office, and I assure you that this query is very serious.  In fact, it is a matter of national security, as Zullo has stated on many occasions that there is no evidence that Obama is even a U.S. citizen.
My father was a veteran of World War II in the China/Burma/India theater and I always had great respect for our military.  I can therefore assure you that I have no desire to engage in "absurdities" with anyone in your office.
I would be happy to speak with you by phone and provide proof of my identity should you need further assurance of my sincerity.
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email

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  1. If he thinks a law enforcement agency in Arizona is a joke, would it be alright with him if the people of Arizona consider the US Military a freakin joke?

  2. Sharon, I can hardly wait to see what Todd has to say as the end of all this. Don't forget, he is taking instruction from Obama and we all know that Obama is a Muslim and will tell you only what he wants you to believe.
    If I was a member of the Military working under either of these peope, I walk right out that door and step over each one of them and tell them to fight their own G.D. Battles.
    Good luck Sharon....I do believe better days are ahead.

  3. Good reason to stay away from this man and let him fight his own battles.

    Boom! Evidence U.S. Bribed Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood?

    By Shoebat Foundation on August 23, 2013 in Blog, General

    By Walid Shoebat

    Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat is looking into evidence that arrested Muslim Brotherhood leaders accepted bribes from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, according to a report from Almesryoon, an Egyptian newspaper that cites a “judicial source”.

    The trials that are scheduled to begin in Cairo on August 25th will feature a litany of charges against the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Included among them are murders, assassinations, prison escapes, sniping, indiscriminate killing of demonstrators, and collaborating with foreign governments, to include both the United States and Qatar.

    Evidence we have obtained lends credibility to the charges of “gifts” (bribes) being taken in U.S. dollars from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo” that were distributed to top ministerial level officials in the Mursi government
