Sunday, August 4, 2013

Your ONE REAL CHANCE - To Get Obama Out of Office NOW!

PLEASE - listen to this brief radio clip with Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo.
Congressman Stockman has a bill to go before Congress on the Obama Fraud
YOU have been asking: What can we do?

1. Write Stockman a snail mail letter      (SEE ADDRESSES BELOW)

2. Make a copy and send it to Congressman Yoho

3. Make another copy and send it to YOUR Congressman

4. Make other copies and send to any and all Congressmen that you think MIGHT get on board.

5. GO TO THEIR FACE BOOK SITES!   Stockman, Yoho, and YOUR congressman. Leave messages and posts ENCOURAGING them to go forward with this.

6. Make a DONATION to Stockman's soon upcoming campaign. Put YOUR MONEY where your heart is. Stockman is going to take a huge political hit. He needs YOU now and he needs you badly. PLEASE DO THIS. Even if it is $5. Do SOMETHING. This might be your one last chance.

Mailing addresses/ emails for EVERY Congressman. Find your state - click on the name of the congressman. You will see mailing addresses - phone numbers - email addresses.

326 Cannon House Office Building
Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-1555
Fax: 202-226-0396

511 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-5744

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this.
    However, let's also urge Judge Lambreth, who's been deliberating on Barry's use of HJ Bounel's SS# on his 2009 tax return for over a month, to ACT.
