Friday, September 6, 2013

AMAZING NEW MOVIE - From Creation Today!

We have been working hard over the past 2 years to make history! Literally. We are producing a 3D version of the Creation account of Genesis, which we will release in theaters next year. This film can do for Genesis what The Passion did for the Gospels. It's time to get the word out about this amazing project. Please take 5 minutes and 30 seconds to watch what we are doing here:

On September 19th we launch our 40-day crowd funding campaign on IndieGogo.  This campaign has the potential to bring the Christ-centered message of Genesis 3D to life by providing the funding we need to complete the film. If you believe this project needs to happen, please take these three simple steps.

On September 19th, (I will remind you)

1. WATCH:  Please go to the Genesis Movie website and watch the trailer again. After you watch, please PRAY. Pray that God will continually guide. It is amazing what He has already done and will continue to do. 

2. SHARE: Share the Genesis Movie Trailer with friends, family and social networks. ( Become an evangelist for this project.  ( Share it with the Church.

3. SUPPORT: Go to our indigogo page (link will be on and make a donation of any amount to help get the ball rolling. The more "backers" we have at the front end, the faster the ball rolls.

If you could do this it would mean a lot to me and would help this project tremendously.

I am blown away at some of the commendations that God has given us and pray that God will use this to influence many for Christ.

"It's like a time machine -- Genesis the Movie will be as if you were there" -Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis

"I was blown away - - the graphics are stunning" - Ray Comfort, Living Waters

"This will show Biblical truth in an excellent way - - we are raising the bar" - Alex Kendrick, Director of FireProof and Courageous

"I think this will be one of the most important films of recent times" - Jason Lisle, Institute of Creation Research

"I encourage you to get involved in this - - I am so excited about this movie " - Jonathan Falwell, Senior Pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church

Eric Hovind
(850) 479-3466

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