Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Flagship show to focus on America's judgment


This week marks the 12th anniversary of the Islamist terror attacks on the towers in New York and the Pentagon, but have Americans, who briefly flocked to churches in the aftermath of the mass murder, learned any lessons from the attack?

That's going to be the focus of a series of programs on the Christian Television Network as the network's "It's Time For Herman & Sharron," one of the flagship shows for CTN, broadcasts a special adaptation, only 30 minutes long, of "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment."

The "Judgment" video on Wednesday will be followed by a broadcast on Thursday on the same show focusing on "The 9/11 Prophecy," officials have confirmed.

The "Isaiah" project was edited and directed by award winning filmmaker George Escobar and features messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of the New York Times bestseller, "The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of America's Future."

It suggests that like the Old Testament nation of Israel, when it suffered a limited incursion by Assyria, instead of turning back toward God, separated itself and specifically promised to rebuild – alone. The documentary suggests that, similarly, the 9/11 attacks were a limited incursion to encourage America to return to its Godly roots.

The "Prophecy" talks about the warning that was given months before the Islamist attacks on the New York towers that the catastrophe was coming, and would develop "in a single hour."

The Christian Television Network, founded by Bob D'Andrea, is Florida based with a national viewership reach through its own channel of stations of more than 16 million viewers.

"It's Time For Herman & Sharron" has been rated consistently among the Top 10 Christian programs on cable television and has an extended national programming base of CTN, Insp Digital, Sky-Angel and DirecTV.

PPSIMMONS NOTE: WND Books and WND Films are the publishers and producers of Carl Gallups' newest book THE RABBI WHO FOUND MESSIAH: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime.  Jonathan Cahn is also featured in Carl's book and appears in the documentary film with Carl Gallups. The author of THE 9/11 PROPHECY, Jim Fitzgerald, was interviewed on Carl's radio program, FREEDOM FRIDAY WITH CARL GALLUPS.

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