Monday, September 9, 2013

Paper: Obama Has No Red Line for Beheading, Raping Girls and Killing Christians

President Obama, John Kerry, John McCain and Lindsey Graham are all peddling the anti-Syrian government line and now they have a beloved "red line," whereby they can assist the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and various al-Qaeda terrorist groups. Of course, when Carla del Ponte stated earlier this year that the United Nations believed that terrorist forces had used chemical weapons; then, of course, this was conveniently ignored by America, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Similarly, it appears that Obama, Kerry, McCain and Graham don't believe in a red line when it applies to al-Qaeda affiliates, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other terrorist forces.

This reality means that unlike the doubts which remain over the chemical issue -- the stark reality of vast numbers of videos showing barbaric massacres by al-Qaeda affiliates and the FSA are realities. In other words, for Obama, Kerry, McCain and Graham, and many others who are assisting sectarian and terrorist forces; they don't have any red lines for cleansing Christians, killing Alawites, children being killed for blasphemy, raping women, slaughtering the Shia, beheading civilians, killing Syrian women who refuse to marry jihadists and so forth. Indeed, the so-called opposition can even kidnap Christian bishops and kill Christian priests because nothing stops America, France and the United Kingdom from providing propaganda for the FSA and various al-Qaeda forces.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) comments that "We should be focused on defending the United States of America. That's why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve as Al Qaeda's air force."


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