Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I have received information originating from a well-known former General at the Pentagon; everybody knows this guy's name. This information comes to me second hand, but I consider the go-between to be very reliable.
The information that I have received so far is that five of the US Military's highest-ranking Generals have met with Barack Obama and warned him that if he orders an attack on Syria he will be arrested and charged with Treason for attempting to provide aid and comfort to our enemies, namely the al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front in Syria.
The generals reportedly punctuated that statement with a promise that if he is convicted of Treason, Barack Obama will find himself swinging at the end of a rope at Leavenworth.
Read more with video here.

****PPSIMMONS has not verified this information****


  1. uhhh... heres a stupid question... why did they warn him?

  2. "uhhh... heres a stupid question... why did they warn him?" You are correct in asking that question. If the Muslim Brotherhood is as deep into our government as I think they are... those generals may have signed their death warrants.

  3. I don't believe they sign their death warrants,for the simple fact that the people who serve our military hate obama.

    1. Our military has been massively infiltrated by the tyrannists, as have our intelligence services and law enforcement. If someone wanted to do a coup, they should have done it long before this.

  4. lets just PRAY that this is true!!

  5. I absolutely DO pray that this is true. It certainly is LONG overdue.

  6. could we really got this lucky

  7. The Generals would arrest the Muslims also, as they are a danger to our Country and have been since 9/11. Enough of being threatened by the Muslims. Enough of our Senators and Congressmen selling America out also. John Kerry should NOT be Sec. of State. Susan Rice should be removed . Americans are tired of the Political Correctness, No Jobs, EPA, Dept of Education allowing any and all Muslims books and other crap into our School System and stop the Sharia Laws in America and Cair stopped. It is time to FOCUS on America and it's Future and the Hell with the Rest of the World. We need to secure America NOW. If it was not for America this World would Not have it's Freedoms. If it was not for America all Industry and Manufacturing would only be in America as it was Americans who have Created almost everything in the World today and we are getting cheated by letting these Corporations leaving and losing Jobs. Obamacare is destroying this Nation also. We have to get the Monies out of Washington Politic's

  8. Any updates anyone...We are trying to verify this, not that we do not believe this...

  9. Isn't Bob Powell the guy who organized yesterday's million march on Washington to demand that Obama be impeached?

  10. Obama should be Arrested For Treason!

  11. I have a contact in the Mossad - this is true.

    The plan is to take him to Tel Aviv, and try the usurper in secret. "We have an obligation to be fair to Moslems," my contact told me in Hebrew and Yiddish. Then, after the trial the Mossad will take him to Saudi Arabia which gave refuge to Idi Amin, because he too was a Moslem.

    I can't tell you anything more cause that will let people know who I've been talking too. I can just give my initials:


    1. I have even more shocking information.

      It has been revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood got Obama elected so that he could change this great nation into a socialist marxist communist state under the sharia, but a true American patriot exposed this in a video, and the creator of the video went to MSNBC to uncover the truth, but they refused the video and reported it to the Brotherhood, and then Obama banned the video and killed its creator.

      One day, I stumbled in the archive room of the Smithsonian Library and found this mysterious case containing a VHS tape, and I decided to upload it on You Tube in order to warn my compatriots and spread the word so that Obama wouldn't get elected in 2012, but failed because Jay-Z sent a secret message all Americans in his album, forcing them to vote for Obama, and only those who didn't hear the album voted for Romney because he is a man of great character and morals.

      But now that Obama is going to be overthrown, I can show you my video so as to speed the process of We The People waking up. I cracked the case, it is true, if you want more to see my video, reply to this comment.

  12. If Our government could be equated with a disease, Obama would just be the surface sore that shows. The disease has metastasized and unless radical procedures are performed and soon, it will be too late to save this country.
