Tuesday, September 3, 2013



Rush Limbaugh today raised the possibility that Syrian rebels were responsible for using chemical weapons on their own people – not President Bashar al-Assad.

Limbaugh said he based the theory on emails he received from friends over the weekend, both of whom "have lived in the Middle East" and "claim to know Bashar."

The correspondents told Limbaugh that they suspect Assad is "being framed."

The Syrian leader, they insist, would not have gassed his own people. In any case, Limbaugh's friends asked, What would Bashar gain from committing such an atrocity?

An estimated 1,400 people died in a gas attack on a Damascus suburb just two weeks ago.

Limbaugh told listeners he was prepared to brush his friends' opinions aside until he read an article by Yossef Bodansky, former director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, which claims that the chemical weapons attack was carried out by al Qaida terrorists posing as Syrian rebels – and that the U.S. may have had foreknowledge of the attack.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/rush-syrians-gassed-with-help-from-u-s/#HtTUSxCPCvWUbZ2z.99 

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