Monday, September 2, 2013


Temple Grandin.

The Sunday Edition's Michael Enright talks to the world's best-known person with autism — Temple Grandin.
Grandin overcame speech problems early in life and went on to become an author and activist for causes tied to autism and animal welfare. She has a PhD in animal sciences and is an expert and consultant on animal behaviour, and she invented the Hug Machine that helps people with autism-related disorders deal with anxiety. Grandin headlined a 2010 TED Talk in California on understanding autism, entitled The world needs all kinds of minds, and Time magazine has listed her among the world's most influential people.
In her new book, The Autistic Brain - Thinking Across The Spectrum, Grandin draws on her own experience and the latest research to broaden the public's understanding of the challenges faced by people on the autism spectrum, and how to make the most of their unique strengths and abilities.
Listen to the full interview in the player at the top-left of this page.

By Mike Shoesmith

As I listened to this interview as it was being aired live I had one of those 'AHA!' moments. Suddenly it all made sense - the mocking, the ridicule, the inability to have respectable conversation - now that one piece of the puzzle finally fell into place. Autism.

As the expert explained the disorder in vivid and candid clarity she obviously felt free to let her guard down, understandable considering CBC is a mouthpiece for the philosophy of liberalism, a known mental disorder all on its own. 

Now for the 'AHA' stuff.

"There is no difference between the geeks and nerds in Silicon Valley and those with mild autism" - Temple Grandin

Now that's a sentence worth considering. Grandin, who suffers from autism herself, explained that people with autism have lost (or never had) the social functionality of the brain and, to a higher or lesser degree, possess strictly mathematical capabilities, lacking the ability to form deep person-to-person relationships.

It has long been our experience that atheists lack this ability - the awareness of the value of niceness. But it only just begins there. Think about it for a moment. If you have spent as much time in this particular arena of ideas as I you will know to what I am referring. Those who actively seek to repudiate the belief in the supernatural, modern atheism being the denial of the existence of the supernatural, have this one overwhelming common denominator: lack of concern for anything other than the natural, superficial, and intellectual.

"Every (sub)debate, no matter what it regards, is overridden by one single solitary topic, that is the belief in the supernatural and the repudiation of that belief" - Christopher Hitchens

In virtually every debate I have witnessed between Christopher Hitchens and people of faith he was, without exception, rude and seemingly unable to look his opponent in the eye, a typical autistic inability. Was Hitchens suffering from mild autism? The above expert seems to be implying this. 

Richard Dawkins is undeniably a rude and uncaring person. He sees no need for cordiality in debate. His lack of concern for the feelings of others is entirely in lock-step with nearly all of the atheist population. I can recall being steeped in a debate with James, an atheist who visited our facebook page for the purpose of engaging in debate with our staff. Even though our page is not a debate forum I decided to engage him personally because he didn't use foul language and used a method of questioning us initially. So we answered, and answered, and answered. Eventually he overwhelmed the page with refutations and grew more and more argumentative. After repeated warnings he was banned. 

But he came back.

After creating close to (what seemed like) one hundred new accounts and returning to our page I asked him to email me personally. He acquiesced. During our private conversation via email I asked him why he refused to leave our page when he was clearly not wanted there. His answers gave me reason to be concerned for his welfare. He admitted that he never developed the ability to care about politeness or the feelings of others. Sound familiar?

A relationship with God requires the ability to actually have a relationship, does it not? And since God exists in the transcendental (supernatural) realm it drives the non-emotional, carnal mind of the mildly autistic atheist to reject even the possibility of that reality in spite of the mountains of anecdotal evidence which confirms its very existence. What a tight bubble that must require! 

Atheists are smarter than the rest of us!

Via Charisma News

A new study of almost a century’s worth of data shows that the smarter you are, the less likely you are to believe in God.
The study, conducted by Miron Zuckerman, a psychologist at the University of Rochester, examined the findings of 63 earlier studies—one dating back to the 1920s—that measured intelligence and religiosity. The majority of those studies found that more intelligent people were more likely to lack religious beliefs.
“The relation between intelligence and religion is negative,” Zuckerman said. “It was very early in the study that we realized that.”
But Zuckerman is careful to point out that his work—known as a “meta-study” because it examines a range of other studies—does not mean only dumb people believe in God.
I first saw this story on Yahoo News a couple of weeks ago. The results do seem to confirm the autism theory though it would be wise to make adjustments to the actual findings here. If we conflate the expert testimony from Temple Grandin with my personal years of experience and the findings of this 'century-long' study we can clearly see that Grandin's statement that purely logical people lacking social graces have at least a mild case of autism is valid.

So now we see it. Autism may not always lead to the atheism delusion but the evidence really does point to autism being a major factor. More examination is required, of course, but alas - it really does make sense now doesn't it? We can pity them because now we understand them. And because we now understand them we can pray for them.

 Acts 4:29  And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word,
30  By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.

UPDATE! Backed by Science.

On a recent broadcast/podcast of 'Evidence for Faith' former atheists Keith and Kirk discussed a study from the psychology department at the University of BC called "Mentalizing Deficits Constrain Belief in a Personal God ." It shows that people with a tendency toward mental disorders, especially autism, are more likely to be disbelievers. The more severe the autism, the stronger the disbelief.

Hear broadcast here.

Snippet from above science article.
"We found new evidence for an inverse link between the autism spectrum and belief in God that was explained by mentalizing, as predicted by cognitive theories of religion"


  1. Temple Grandin never linked atheism with autism. You should watch her movie and some of her lectures where she says that she attended church all during her young years and that children today (especially those with autism) need to be in church and a structured environment. You also state that liberals and atheists have a connection with those with autism in that they have no ability to be cordial or socially graceful. Ms. Grandin also states that this can be overcome with behavioral therapy and a strong hand by the parents of those with the disorder. I am not sure why you chose to connect this interview with your AHA! moment but you are giving Ms. Grandin an appearance of something she is not with this article whether that was your intention or not. She has never stated she was an atheist nor has it ever been implied. This article almost resembles something from the liberal media where they use threads to link everything to racism. When will the bad guys and the good guys quit resorting to "isms" to try to make their point? Temple Grandin has done some of the most amazing work in the field of brain disorders like autism and aspergers and this article does that work a disservice.

  2. Please read the article again. Mike never said Grandin was an atheist nor did he say she linked the two directly though it is implied in her research certainly when it is conflated with other research. We respect Temple Grandin and love much of what she says.
    Also - we are not the first to make this connection...

  3. Could you direct me to where she has implied in her research that there is a connection? And I personally believe atheism is a mental illness to itself. It doesn't need any other mental condition to create the environment in which it breeds.

    1. Again - Mike did not say she purposefully implied it. It is implied in her research, whether intended or not. Please visit the link in my previous comment for more evidence of this phenomenon.

    2. From science article...

      "We found new evidence for an inverse link between the autism spectrum and belief in God that was explained by mentalizing, as predicted by cognitive theories of religion"
