Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse

Image via michaelsavage.com

House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday he supports President Obama's call for a military strike on Syria, as other congressional leaders joined in making the case for an attack -- giving the plan a big boost ahead of a key hearing on Capitol Hill.  

Boehner, emerging from a White House meeting with several other top-ranking lawmakers, said the chemical weapons attack last month "has to be responded to." 

"The use of chemical weapons is a barbarous act. It's pretty clear to me that the United Nations is unable to take action, NATO not likely to take action. The United States for our entire history has stood up for democracy and freedom for people around the world," Boehner said. "I'm going to support the president's call for action." 

Minutes later, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters that she, too, feels Syrian President Bashar Assad has "crossed a line." 

"President Obama did not draw the red line. Humanity drew it," Pelosi said. She said lawmakers will have to decide, but she thinks "we must respond." She said she does not think Congress will reject the president's request for authorization. 

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/03/boehner-backs-obama-call-for-military-strike-on-syria/#ixzz2dr5Wub55

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