Thursday, October 31, 2013


According to internet UPI reports and the Orlando Sentinel, the city of Sanford, Fla., is announcing its proposed new guidelines for Neighborhood Watch members. The guidelines supposedly  include a ban on carrying guns while on volunteer duty.

The new guidelines are slated to be made public at a community meeting at City Hall on Tuesday. The proposal comes  four months after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith requested the no-gun policy in an attempt to better control the town's Neighborhood Watch network, according to police department spokeswoman Shannon Cordingly.

It seems to the folks at PPSIMMONS, the city of Sanford is attempting to completely disregard Florida's rule of law concerning licensed carry, and the constitutional rights of its city's citizens solely because of a drug addled young minority thug that just happened to have attacked the wrong person. Liberal mentality appears to be alive, well, and strong in Sanford, Florida.

However, notice this: the meeting is about a guideline, not a law. As much as they may want to they do not have the right to prohibit a private citizen from carrying a firearm as long as he is properly licensed. And Florida is a MUST-LICENSE state. Zimmerman was not even part of a certified police organized Neighborhood Watch program. Accordingly, the guidelines would not have mattered in that case. Typical liberal overreaction. Another chance to restrict the rights of gun owners was seen - and taken.

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