Friday, November 1, 2013


 joda collins\
by Rev Joda Collins
I make no claim that my views are shared by anyone else. 

The disciples asked Jesus when the end of the world would come?  Jesus responded with some specifics.  Among them was this comment:
Mark 13:6 -  "For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many." 
When reading the remainder of the text, we see this is a particular Christian concept as seen through the eyes of and experienced in the lives of saved Jews.  That evidence is discovered in details such as the involvement of synagogue leaders (verse 9) and the "abomination of desolation" spoken of by Daniel the prophet (verse 13).
All theologians agree that scripture is ripe with dual applications.  Dual application of scripture is part of what makes Bible study interesting.  For example, when Jesus said "you must eat my body and drink my blood" was he speaking of communion as the elements (cracker and grape juice) applies to communion and the meaning of communion as it applies in the spiritual sense or was he speaking of those within earshot being called to live under his rule as obedient children of God.  The answer is "both."  The latter for later and the former for then.   
Chapter 13 applies to the saved Jewish person in the end times.  They will be looking for the return of Christ. They are warned to beware of impostors.  
Let me suppose for a moment.  Suppose the non-Christians of the end times are also looking for a Savior?  We know the end times will be troublesome times of great magnitude for the entire world.  We know from scripture the anti-Christ will become known as a type of "savior" during the end time. Could Mark 13:1 have a dual meaning; one for the saved and one for the lost during the last days (years) of man's rule on this Earth?  
The answer to that question is yes.  The New Testament was originally written in the "common" (street-language) Greek.  In the Greek, the word "Christ" is not in the original text.  The verse reads as follows, "For many shall come in my name, saying 'I am' and shall deceive many." 
Notice many will come "in Christ's name" claiming to be "I am."  "I am" is a term used by God in his conversation with Moses and that term is use to identify God to Moses as the "answer, "able one", "Savior" or "Deliverer".  Because the Old Testament uses "I am" as a "name" or "designation" for God as "Savior," the New Testament translators of the King James Version included the word "Christ" (Greek for "Anointed One" with the implication of "Savior") following the words "I am."  Contextually, that is correct. 
However, if you leave the word "Christ" out of the verse and use a literal meaning for the words "come in my name," that denotes the initial arrival of the anti-Christ will be "in the name of Jesus Christ" (under the guise of a Christian), only later to self-proclaim that he is the "savior, worthy of worship."   If that is a valid rendering of Mark 13:1, then we should now be looking for a world leader or possible world leader with a Savior complex, who is a professed Christian but evil in his actions, whom the lost (non-Christians) of the world would attribute the title "savior" to because he appears to be a savior of a world in trouble. 
I am just thinking (writing) out loud.  Prophesy is fun because it is the future hinted at, but unfulfilled.  Speculation is permitted as long as speculation is within the parameters of revealed Scripture. 


  1. I must disagree with you on several points. Grape Juice. The only time that a drink or tithe of the "fruit of the vine" would be grape juice would be at the fall harvest. Feast of Tabernacles, or Ingathering.. It was just after the fall harvest when the tithe of olive oil and grape squeezing was paid. After this point in time the grape juice became either vinegar, or wine. At Passover time in spring would be about six months later and it would be fermented. Baptists and other denominations do the pharisee thing with regards to alcohol.
    With the phrase "Many will come in my name and deceive many" is a heads up. Many modern "Televangelists" come in the name of Jesus Christ, but they are deceiving many by not teaching what Jesus said and instead putting their own spin on scripture.
    And finally, The new testament was not written in Greek. Most of it was written in Hebrew. The only portion that was written in Greek, was some of the writings of Paul to churches that were gentile and Greek was their native language. It is this "western" or Greek twisting of the original scriptures that is causing much confusion.
    Lastly, All scripture references by the apostles in the New Testament were the only scriptures available and that would be the NOT so Old Testament.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I am too old and too wise to debate or argue. However, I will clarify with four simple comments.

    First, you take many of my comments to ends I neither implied or intended and then criticize your own errant conclusions. It is a waste of my time to clarify your missteps of logic.

    Second, it appears you missed the major theme of my article.

    Third, it is telling that I put my name to my work and you do not.

    Fourth, you comment on my introduction. I have no interest regarding differences of opinion or confusion a reader has with my introduction. My interest is in the purpose (point/theme) revealed in the last half of the article. To focus on any difference of opinion on secondary or “light” content or focus on any confusion related to the introduction and not deal with the substantive theme of the article is "gagging on a gnat" and is unworthy of a man with honor and experience not to mention a colossal waste of my valuable time.

    Still, thanks for your comments. Jesus has not returned and America is, at least for the moment, still free enough to openly "disagree" with anyone; it is these two weighty comments that are more in line with the purpose of my article rather than grape juice.

    Rev. Joda Collins
