Monday, November 18, 2013

One Nation Under... Obama?

Organizing For America published an email Sunday suggesting the greatest nation on the face of the Earth owes its allegiance to Barack Hussein Obama.

David Axelrod wrote that "we've made serious progress as a nation under President Obama." You can read his edict in its entirety below.

No wonder the Democratic National Committee voted to remove the Almighty from their party in 2012. They only have room for one God.

Below is the email from Axelrod.

Friend –

You won't want to miss this.

President Obama is getting on the phone with top OFA supporters like you this Monday to talk about what's ahead in the fight for change — and what we can do to help.

It starts at 8:15 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, November 18th.

RSVP now to save your spot on the call.

Together, we've made serious progress as a nation under President Obama — now, we have a little more than three years to finish the job, and fight for the agenda Americans voted for last year.

OFA has a big role to play here.

That's why the President wants to talk with you, the folks who are passionate about the fight for change.

I'm thinking this is one you shouldn't miss — sign up for the call today:

Thank you,



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1 comment:

  1. I didn't find a place to post this or send an email but it is important information for clergy and Christians.
