Thursday, December 26, 2013

"24" Style Drama As Three American Heroes Foil False Flag Nuclear Attack On US

Three brave Americans stood up to Tyranny a few weeks ago and told Barack Hussein Obama, literally, to take a flying leap as they refused orders to illegally divert control of several nuclear weapons to agents of Barack Hussein Obama. On this episode of The Truth Is Viral, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and former CIA spy Dr. Jim Garrow explains how the actions of these men - an Army General, an Air Force General, and a Navy Admiral - who were in charge of safeguarding the nation's nuclear stockpile, saved the lives of 300 million Americans from the devastating effects of a planned EMP attack on the United States: A "false flag" EMP attack perpetrated by the Obama administration using our own nuclear weapons

 Read the rest and watch this terrifying interview with Dr. Garrow at:


1 comment:

  1. Why is this crazed mad man still in office of commander and chief? It makes no sense.
