Sunday, December 22, 2013

WHO is the REAL Bigot?

Are YOU a bigot?
PPSIMMONS News and Ministry staff writer

Having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own
opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

When I read the above dictionary definition of bigoted, I am reminded of who the real bigots are these days. They are, without a doubt: the radical homosexual movement, most of the Hollywood machine, the leftist elitists, the socialist crowd, evolutionists, atheists, the anti-christian activists, much of the mainstream media, Muslims, etc. Each of these groups espouses that their worldviews are absolutely superior to the views of all others. They each demand special rights, legal protection of their superior worldview, and even government enforcement of their views.

One might ask: Well aren't Christians bigots by this same definition? The answer is that while certainly some individual Christians may be bigots and/or act in a bigoted manner, the biblical Christian message is not bigoted. We understand that God Himself, and His Word, are superior because He is the Creator of all that is - including morality and our eternal destiny.

However, Christianity leaves a person's conscience and accountability in the hands of God...we do not hold ourselves (personally) superior to any other human being. We recognize that we are all sinners in the presence of a Holy God. We do, however, hold out the superior, supreme, and only way of Salvation through Jesus Christ. But, we understand that we are simply the messengers of that Good News and in the same boat as the rest of humanity in that we too are in need of God's great salvation through the blood of Jesus.

For example; I do not care what a person does in the privacy of their own bedroom. I don't think the church or the government should be looking in their windows. Those people are accountable to God, and if they ask me what the Bible says about their lifestyle I will tell them what God's Word says.

However, when that person drags their sexual practices into the front lawn and then demands that I watch it, enjoy it, support it, fund it, celebrate it, legislate it into a special privilege class, teach it as normal to my children using public tax dollars, etc. - that is where I draw the line. And when I draw that line I am immediately labeled a bigot.  But, now you understand that I am not the bigot at this point. I have never claimed that my life was superior to their life - I have only claimed that God's Word is superior.

What the truly bigoted groups often fail to understand is that it was the Christian worldview that brought them the first amendment and the right to express and live their views in America - in freedom. Let a Christian try and build a Baptist church in Saudi Arabia. Let a Christian teacher try and espouse creationism in a public school in America, let a Christian even attempt to express his beliefs about Jesus Christ in a room full of atheists...well - you get the point. If it wasn't for the Christian worldview, which was the undeniable foundation of our nation - these aforementioned and truly bigoted groups more than likely wouldn't even be able to exist - much less express their obstinate opinions.

Isn't it interesting that each of these groups continually labels Christians and Christianity as bigoted. Well now - it seems we have entered the realm of yet another interesting word - hypocrisy.



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  1. Thank you PPSIMMONS for so clearly defining this leftist hypocrisy! You hit it right on the head! I am always called a bigot for my Christian beliefs! Now i see who is the real bigot!

  2. "However, when that person drags their sexual practices into the front lawn and then demands that I watch it, enjoy it, support it, fund it, celebrate it, legislate it into a special privilege class, teach it as normal to my children using public tax dollars, etc. - that is where I draw the line." CLASSIC! Thanks for posting this article "PP!" Love you guys!
