Thursday, January 9, 2014

"UNIVERSE SHATTERING!" Arpaio Team to Release Investigation Info in March!

By Mike Shoesmith

On this morning's WEBY Radio program with Mike Mashburn Carl Gallups sat in as he usually does each Thursday morning as a special guest. During the show Gallups dropped some very interesting information into the laps of the local Pensacola, Fl audience which has national and international implication.

Gallups, who has his own weekly mega-popular radio show "Freedom Friday" every Friday from 4 - 6 Central Time in the Pensacola area and streaming online to listeners around the world, has been closely tied to the Arpaio investigation via his friendship with lead investigator Mike Zullo with whom Carl Gallups has been traveling and getting the word out about this criminal investigation involving the fraudulent usurpation of the nation's highest office.

Today, Gallups revealed that the long-awaited details of this investigation will be made public in March of this year, a mere two months from now.

Mike Zullo has personally described the coming release as "universe shattering."

The Cold Case Posse initiated by Sheriff Joe Arpaio was tasked with investigating the validity of Barack Obama's claim to the office of President and revealed shocking details which show that documents proffered by the White House are indeed fraudulently manufactured. Further investigation, we have since been told, have uncovered details which dwarf the proven document fraud.

Carl Gallups told his audience this morning that the details of this investigation are scheduled to be revealed in March. The investigation team is working diligently on the final verification of all the information they have. They do not want to bring anything forward which is not 100 percent verified.

Stay tuned!


  1. I have no doubt when all this is out the people will rise up !!!!

    1. About time something is done.

    2. I concur...dare I say members of the left me even come to their senses

    3. Interesting Observation, The Dots are starting to connect. Does this have anything to do with 5/16/2014, Does Iran Know something we don't? I've believed all along BHO is an Iranian Special OPS Plant... Is Iran coming to save their man?

  2. Why do they have to wait so long to release the information. They are just exposing themselves to the wrath of the Obama team! If it's so important it should be on Fox News now!!!

  3. The question I have is-even if the information is "universe shattering" how are they going to get it past the media blockade?

    1. this will be too big to ignore because all the Foreign Press will pick it up and run with it the American press will have no choiceand for once in their pathetic careers they will be forced to report fActs

    2. I believe this is going to be his Waterloo

  4. Could the March release mean a Grand Jury is involved and results are expected then?

  5. Ariel Sharon died. I went to ppsimmonsblog to see your take on it and nothing. I hope I didn't get left behind. Are you guys still here?

  6. Why on march but not now??????

  7. Well here it is a week into April, and the universe remains stubbornly un-shattered. Poor birthers. It must be so hard to have so many years of disappointment.
