Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Executive Order Abolishing the 22nd Amendment

When Obama signs an Executive Order abolishing the 22nd Amendment who will stop him from enforcing it?
/__/  The Republicans in Congress who are now not stopping him from writing and enforcing illegal Executive Orders.
/__/  The cowards in the House of Representative who will not impeach Obama because they know the Democrat Senate will not vote for impeachment.   
/__/  The millions of illegal aliens who never heard of the 22nd Amendment that Congress is on their way to making American citizens.
/__/  The two hundred military leaders fired by Obama.
/__/  The two hundred military leaders chosen by Obama to replace the two hundred Obama fired.
/__/  The Democrats of our Country who now applaud Obama for his illegal Executive Orders.
/__/  Republicans at large who are now powerless to stop Obama from writing and enforcing Executive Orders.

/__/  The Supreme Court who now turn a blind eye to Obama's lawlessness and his disdain for the Constitution.
/__/  Maybe we can trust Obama, who has never been worthy of trust, to do one right thing and not write that Executive Order. 

/__/  Maybe the millions who are on Obamacare and other government handouts will rebel against the hand that feeds them with our tax dollars.
/__/  Maybe the Constitution will enforce itself.
/__/  The standing Military who take their orders from the Commander in Chief.

/__/  A foreign government that we helped become free from a dictator will come to the shores of America to help us rid ourselves of our own dictator.
/__/  The Muslims will rid the White House of one of their own.

/__/  The mainstream media who are now ignoring the fact that Obama is writing and enforcing illegal Executive orders. 
/__/  Conservative talk-show hosts.
/__/  You, me and all of our friends with our pistols and BB guns.
/ X / None of the above. 

We are not in the middle of a coup to take over the American government. That has already happened.  

See also:

joda collins
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that my views are shared by anyone else.

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