Friday, March 14, 2014

Breaking: Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse Website Hacked


by Sharon Rondeau
(Mar. 14, 2014) — While gathering evidence to communicate with certain congressional staffers on Friday afternoon, The Post & Email discovered that the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse does not come up as usual in an internet search.

The posse has been investigating the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website purported to belong to Barack Hussein Obama and declared it fraudulent more than two years ago, along with Obama's Selective Service registration form.  On March 1, 2012, the first of two formal press conferences was held, during which lead investigator Mike Zullo explained how the group reached its conclusions.  On July 17, 2012, a second press conference was held during which Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio called for a congressional investigation.  The media reacted by directing anger at Arpaio and Zullo and denying their evidence, then failed to investigate, and Obama was allegedly re-elected to a second term in November of that year.

On February 3, Zullo announced on Carl Gallups' "Freedom Friday" radio show that a second criminal investigation was launched at some point focusing on matters outside the birth certificate forgery.  A press conference on the findings, which are expected to be "universe-shattering," will reportedly be given soon with major media having agreed to broadcast it to the public.

Last year, Zullo provided a lengthy affidavit to the Alabama Supreme Court for its inclusion in a case filed by Atty. Larry Klayman challenging that then-Secretary of State Beth Chapman did not properly vet Obama's qualifications to be on the state ballot in 2012.  Chapman since resigned her position to return to private industry.

Upon clicking on a link to the website from one of our previous articles, the following appears:



  1. I'm sure they have all their information saved and backed up and spread out, ready to go out to many, if it hasn't been already. If it is indeed EARTH SHATTERING, who cares? boobama probably has a good ideal what it is and has his escape all planned out. The Saudi's will no doubt take him in. Tiggerbama is going down

    1. I don't think the CCP has put any of their information on computers, for the NSA to hack!!!! I believe everything has been done manually, and that's what has been taking them so long to get it to the public!

  2. Do they really believe they can abolish the evidence? It's spread too many secure places!
