Monday, July 7, 2014

Reality Check! Jew-Killing Has Become Lucrative Palestinian Profession!

Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip on Monday fired into southern Israel upwards of a dozen rockets, one of which struck the city of Beersheva.
There were no reports of serious damage, and Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system managed to intercept a number of rockets that threatened to hit residential areas.
On Sunday, Gaza-based terrorists fired at least 25 rockets at Israel. An Israeli soldier was lightly wounded by shrapnel from one of the strikes. Last week, at least five Israeli homes were damaged by rocket fire, and a factory in the area burned to the ground after sustaining a direct hit... read more.
Israel’s security cabinet is exploring ways to curb monthly stipends paid by the Palestinian Authority to Palestinian terrorists sitting in Israeli jails.
The issue was again brought to the forefront as Israel sought ways to put pressure on the Palestinians to return three abducted Jewish youths, who have since been found murdered.
Data presented to the cabinet revealed that a terrorist sentenced to 10–15 years in an Israeli jail receives a salary of 6,000 shekels (USD $1,750) a month. A terrorist serving 25–30 years receives 10,000 shekels... read more.

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